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Everything posted by Kinniken

  1. I must be making a stupid mistake, having never used Git, but how do I check those out using eGit in Eclipse? I've tried using import > Git then entering http://github.com/cow/compactsolars as the URI but I'm getting a 301 error.
  2. When I started Millénaire the mod folder did not exist For the world folder, that's what I'm using in SP. But what should I use server-side?
  3. Thanks for the details, I'll get started. First precise questions: server-side, how do I get the server's directory (or whichever directory it's reommended I store my Millénaire files in on a server) and how do I get the save world's directory?
  4. Ok, thanks. Then maybe I'll have getVersion() be my "compatibility version code" and then use a separate sub-version code to differentiate intermediate releases. And I like your expended check idea better. It could be implemented with a default method doing exactly what is being done now too, so it wouldn't change anything for anyone not wanting to use it My issue is not deciding which mod author is right or wrong in how he is implementing his mod but to try and make Millénaire work for as many people as possible And IIRC, there are modding APIs that are not compatible with Forge right? So otherwise, any tutorial or guidelines I can use?
  5. Thanks. I'd like to try doing it myself first though, if I make Millénaire it's first because I enjoy the coding challenge Any good tutorials or docs on best practice for SMP mods somewhere? Well, I don't have a choice if I want to do SMP using ForgeMP I guess. And my Forge Lite might be annoying, but I had done polls of my users and something like 15-20% of them can't install Forge due to incompatibility with other mods... I think MP support is worth it and with 1.3 anyway I'm not having much choice, but there is a drawback in terms of compatibility Otherwise, what strategies are you guys using in terms of client/server version compatibility? I tend to release new Millénaire versions quite frequently (these days every week, before often more than that). Obviously for MP requiring the client and server versions to be in sync would be a giant pain for users. I'm thinking of having a "compatibility version" code that would stay the same as long as no change I've made breaks compatibility - for instance new buildings would be server-only, so no problems there, changes to GUIs would generally be client-only, so no problems either, but if I add new blocks or new villager types (with client-side skins) I'll need to break compatibility.
  6. Thanks for the new info. Also, nobody really knows when 1.3 will be released, right? I've setup a Forge MCP environnement, I'll start checking out the APIs. Any good references that you know on migrating from SP to MP? I'll have to deal mainly with custom entities, world generation, custom items and blocks, several custom GUIs, server-side actions based on client-side keyboard presses, read/write to the server's mod folder and the world's folder, keeping track of the positions of the players, and some custom entity rendering based on custom entity properties. I think that's the bulk of the areas that should be impacted by the switch to MP.
  7. Also, is there any info from Mojang on the SP/MP plans beyond the test versions' release notes?
  8. Thanks for the answers! That's rather promising. Stupid question though, how do I access those GitHub repos? I'm old-fashion, I use SVN for Millénaire And with that Forge for Bukkit, do you have to release Bukkit versions of SMP mods or can it load the regular one?
  9. Hi, I'm the author of a fairly large mod, Millénaire. So far I've kept it SP only, not because I'm against an MP version but because there seemed to be too much fragmentation of MP APIs and no solution that would allow me to keep the SP and MP code synchronised without having to maintain two wholly separate branches. However since in Minecraft 1.3 SP will basically be MP with an integrated server, I'm going to have to do the conversion anyway. One possibility is to go with Forge, but for that I have a few questions: - does anyone know whether the changes in Minecraft 1.3 mean that Forge will support SP mods using its current MP APIs? - what is the status of Forge and Bukkit? Can Forge MP mods be run on a Bukkit server? - has anyone heard anything official from Mojang or the Bukkit people working with it on how mods are expected to work in Minecraft 1.3? Thanks K.
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