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Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. Every time I try to construct a new Effect I get "The constructor Effect(EffectType, int) is not visible". I'm trying to register a new Effect as I would with anything else, following what I believe is the default procedure. @SubscribeEvent public static void registerEffects(final RegistryEvent.Register<Effect> event) { event.getRegistry().registerAll( EffectList.EFFECT_TEST = new Effect(null, 0).setRegistryName(location("effect_test")) ); logger.info("Potions registered."); } and about "EffectList..." public class EffectList { public static Effect EFFECT_TEST; } Even trying many others way (which I believe are all wrong) I'm still not able to use the constructor. What else should I be doing?
  2. I've just started trying to code for minecraft, having very little experience with Java, I decided my first try and learn would be to create a mod with a bunch of custom potions for the game, with new effects and everything, so I started following tutorials from zero, and reading all the documentation I could find, guiding my way into learning, but being completely unable to find anything that could teach how to create potions for 1.14.4. All the guides are outdated, even the topics on this forum all refer to 1.12.2/prior. There's no PotionType class, even the main Potion class is completely different, and the registry-thing deny any of my tries into inserting new potions or new effects into the game. Doing some more research, I found no mods online with new potions for 1.14.4. Is it even possible to create new potions with new effects? And how to?
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