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  1. Only within the City code. When I place the buildings individually as features it works fine too. There's something messed up in the City package. What's more strange is that my debugger showed that the correct blockstates are making their way to the method that sets them in the world, but for some reason it's only setting the vanilla blockstates. And another strange thing is that the code I'm using OUTSIDE the City package uses the same method as the City package does itself. So I'm stumped.
  2. I've tried messing with that. It's located in the placeInChunk method in the CityBuildingStructure class. I left it on BlockIgnoreStructureProcessor.AIR_AND_STRUCTURE_BLOCKS. Didn't seem the affect anything. =(
  3. Well, 1.16 is quite similar to 1.15, and there's this: https://gist.github.com/williewillus/30d7e3f775fe93c503bddf054ef3f93e That's a primer for 1.15; the rendering system is probably the biggest change in that version. I honestly don't know much about the code before 1.16, but from what I've gathered a majority of tutorials are still relevant from 1.15. One major change in 1.16 that I DO know of is dimensions and dimensiontypes.
  4. So this has me a bit flustered: I'm porting a mod to Forge. So far I've gotten everything to work out pretty well, but for some reason I've gotten to the final major feature of the mod and I've run into a roadblock. The mod has large city features that generate in the Nether, using custom blocks for a majority of their construction. When I try to generate the structures using the custom NBT-reading feature generation, they work fine. However, when I try to use the mod's city-generating structure they only generate the Vanilla blocks. I thought it had something to do with the custom palette StructureProcessor, but disabling that changed nothing except leaving the Structure Blocks behind after generation. Repository is here: https://github.com/lamoyrl90/Better-Nether-Forge I could definitely use a little bit of help on this one.
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