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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. these are all my logs from me trying to load the game in the past day debug-2.log.gz 2020-02-27-2.log.gz 2020-02-27-3.log.gz debug-3.log.gz 2020-02-07-2.log.gz debug.log latest.log 2020-02-27-1.log.gz debug-1.log.gz
  2. After updating forge (not sure if some properly) whenever I start the game, the Mojang symbol keeps reloading and not bringing me to the menu. Every so often it will half load a menu (not the home menu) and the will continue to reload without stopping. If I try to interact with the menu or the game at all, the game crashed with no definitive error but the problem still persists after a full reboot of both the game and the console
  3. Does this mean I can get away with a 1.12 mod and1.12.2 mod on forge 1.12.2 and they work or no?
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