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  1. Thanks for helping me guys I am a dummy and i figured it out thanks!
  2. i fixed it forge-1.14.4-28.2.0-installer.jar.log
  3. do I hit remove in my firewall to remove all my versions that i found in my firewall?
  4. I think this is the one i'll enable C:\program files (x86)\minecraft\runtime\jre-x64\1.8.0_51\bin\javaw.exe
  5. Ok i know its been a while but i think I found the problem i looked in my firewall and found this! which ones should i remove or block?
  6. ok so i uninstalled every java or sun thing on my pc and now i have the adoptopenjdkjre you linked download and it says what app should i use to open forge 1.14.4
  7. i followed the video on how to completly remove java from my pc but it still doesnt work
  8. i keep getting errors when loading forge 1.14.4 forge-1.14.4-28.2.0-installer.jar.log
  9. should i check if java is in any folders using file explorer and if so delete everything that says "java"
  10. i think the whole problem might be i have java hidden somewhere on this pc but i have to go so please just have more people try to help and post/make a video on how to solve this librarie issue
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