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  1. I'm trying to recreate https://forums.minecraftforge.net/topic/87186-glowing-overlay-for-blocks/, but so far I've had no luck adding a glowing layer (similar to spider eyes) onto a mushroom and I really don't know anything about BakedModels, I tried going through all the examples but I can't seem to comprehend any of it, if you could show me what all the files needed should look like, it would be much appreciated Source for what my mod currently looks like: https://github.com/Nexus-Dev/UnderSoul I'm also wanting to be able to have glowing layers on a few different blocks with a few different models if that is possible
  2. Just wondering how do you generate custom ores in 1.15.2, I've tried to figure it out but I've had no luck, I'm new to modding so I don't know how to do much. [Edit] Video helped to generate ore.
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