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texhex99's Achievements

Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. Hwyla-1.8.26-B41_1.12.2 seems to be my issue. Whenever it and another mod are running it causes the bug that i mentioned.
  2. I could try installing all the mods one by one and seeing at what point it breaks
  3. correct. sometimes im dumb sorry it only occured to me to uninstall all the mods about 5 mins after i read ur message
  4. I uninstalled all mods. This bug doesnt work when i do this.
  5. so delete the minecraft 1.15.2 jar?
  6. https://www.mediafire.com/file/ghkndtc7zr7qvfn/debug.log/file Only posting a link because the file was to big to post on a reply
  7. Whenever i press three keys at once one of them sticks. i have no clue what the cause is all i know is that it only happens with modded minecraft. i have tried reinstalling and updating java and even reinstalling minecraft. nothing seems to work. lmk if you need more info
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