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Everything posted by Dracoctix

  1. It's my class, `new` keyword doesn't exist in Kotin. I only need to call the class constructor like any method When I run my world, I have an error saying that "dye_bucket_recipe" is an unknown type. I just figured it out, I forgot the modid prefix. So the recipe is loaded. It doesn't work like I want to, but it's certainly algorithmic problem, so I'll debug that by myself ^^ Thank you very much for your help
  2. Hi, thank you for the reply. I tried to do that, but I don't know how to "register" this new IRecipe. I read some things about "IRecipeFactory", but it seems to be obsolete. I tried too some thing with IRecipeSerializer, but it doesn't seems to work, since I cannot use the identifier from my json recipe. Do you know how I can manage to register this IRecipe and make it usable ? Here is my recipes register class @Mod.EventBusSubscriber(modid = RainbowPortals.MOD_ID, bus = Mod.EventBusSubscriber.Bus.MOD) class RainbowPortalsRecipes { companion object { @SubscribeEvent @JvmStatic fun registerRecipes(event : RegistryEvent.Register<IRecipeSerializer<*>>) { event.registry.register(DyeBucketRecipe.Serializer().setRegistryName("dye_bucket_recipe")) } } } Thanks by advance
  3. Hello world, I'm trying to realize a mod with Forge 1.15.2. I don't have big problem, but I want to implement a specific recipe, for an item. To craft this item, I want players to use 7 different dyes, whatever they are. Only 7 different colors dyes. I found the Tags system, so I used it to write my recipe. But players can still make the recipe with 7 bone meal. I searched a bit, but I didn't find solution for this problem. Do you know how to deal with that, and force players to give 7 different items, corresponding to the same Tag, without forcing especially the dye type ? Here is my recipe.json file : { "type": "minecraft:crafting_shaped", "pattern": [ "bgd", "ddd", "ddd" ], "key": { "b": { "item": "rainbowportals:magic_bucket" }, "g": { "item": "minecraft:water_bucket" }, "d": { "tag": "forge:dyes" } }, "result": { "type": "minecraft:item", "item": "rainbowportals:dye_bucket" } } Thanks by advance
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