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Everything posted by TntFurnace

  1. Ooh yeah it does look good I'll see what I can do thanks
  2. Sorry for lousy title I don't know how to put it, but basically I want to spawn an extra mob whenever one would spawn. In the LivingSpawn event, I can make it work fine if I hardcode the entity type, however I don't know how to get it to work as a general solution. new CowEntity() is good, new event.getEntity()() is not good. This is probably really simple but I've been stuck for a few days so thanks for any help
  3. thanks for the help guys entity.getEntityWorld().addEntity(entity) seems to do the trick
  4. It's possible that TekTopia is incompatible with another mod you have running, try to isolate the mods by starting with just TekTopia, then adding mods one by one to see which ones conflict. Or it could be some other problem
  5. Hello very new to modding and I'm trying to figure out how to spawn another mob in the LivingSpawnEvent in 1.14. world.spawnEnityInWorld and world.spawnEntity don't seem to be recognised by Eclipse, I'm not sure if they're outdated or not, finding documentation is a nightmare. I have a theory that maybe these are hidden by func_204### and things similar. Please help, sorry I have no idea what I'm doing
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