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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. IT WORKED It take me in the forge profile all of you are the best of the world for support
  2. Ah wait a sec my mistake that was the foto of the copy I keep in my pen drive sorry I take this copy cause one time (when I was on my old windows) I accidentally delete the Minecraft folder so I keep a copy called Minecraft 2 I copy the folder every Monday sorry ?
  3. But that's is the folder the launcher uses, when I buy Minecraft and install it, the folder was called Minecraft
  4. Is it something bad did the name of the folder change corrupted minecraft?! And forge doesn't work for that?!
  5. Yes I Know I called like that cause my friend make me a bad joke so for not loosing minecraft I call it 2 so I can recognize it
  6. I make forge install in the same folder fo the game this one and I also created the mod folder
  7. HOLD IT I think there's a problem with the launcher! S-See this, this is the launcher_profiles.json there's the presence of Forge but in the launcher there's not
  8. W-Wait maybe this can help you? There's the folder of forge in the Minecraft files
  9. It was closed when I install forge I knew the launcher must be closed if want to download forge
  10. Then I tried to create one myself but there isn't the forge version
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