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Everything posted by ElTotisPro50

  1. you mean that in width and height i have tu put my screen/monitor resolution? (1366x768) isnt there a way to scale by code the image(256x256) to make it occupy all the screen?
  2. so in minecraft i can summon particles with commands from the player eyes, and the particle spawn like a laser( https://imgur.com/a/kZjxeK2 ), how can i do that with the world.addParticle
  3. (i want to draw my texture in all the screen) MatrixStack matrixStack = new MatrixStack(); mc.getTextureManager().bindTexture(MYOVERLAYTEXTURE); //AbstractGui.blit(stack, x, y, offsetX, offsetY, width, height, textureSizeX, textureSizeY); AbstractGui.blit(stack,0, 0, 0, 0, 1920,1080,1920, 1080); mc.getTextureManager().bindTexture(AbstractGui.GUI_ICONS_LOCATION);
  4. thats exactly what i did, didnt work
  5. performance problems?, i saw that the pumpkin overlay's size is 256x256, then how it draws in full screen?
  6. i want to draw the full 1920x1080 image, thats why (i didnt show you) but my offset is 0,0, i want to draw ALL THE IMAGE, i didnt understand again XD but what values i have to put in width and height(not in textureWidth and textureHeight) this is an extra which class is where minecraft draw the overlay of the pumpkin?
  7. what do you mean with the width and height i want to draw?, if im using a 1920x1080 image what should i put in width and height
  8. so i made my overlay of 256x256 with GuiUtils.drawTexturedModalRect but as you know that only let you put a max size of 256x256, and i found that AbstractGui.blit let you put the overlay of 1920x1080, but there are 2 parameters that i dont know how them work, i tried some values like (1920x1080, 100x100, 500x500, 1x1, 0x0, ETC) public static void blit(MatrixStack matrixStack, int x, int y, float uOffset, float vOffset, int width, int height, int textureWidth, int textureHeight) { x,y are the position of where the overlay will be rendered, uv offsets are where the image start, and texture width and height are the size of the image(1920,1080) but i dont know what are int width and int height, as i said i tried to put some values but non of them is working(1920x1080, 100x100, 500x500, 1x1, 0x0, ETC)
  9. public static void blit(MatrixStack matrixStack, int x, int y, float uOffset, float vOffset, int width, int height, int textureWidth, int textureHeight) { there are 2 new values, int width ant height, i tried to put 1920x1080 and 50x50 but it didnt work, what those values do? i guess is not the size of the image or the offset because them are already defined
  10. nope it doesnt exist in all GuiUtils class (im in 1.16.5 MCP)
  11. oh well then thats nice, with the name you gave me i can try it by myself
  12. yeah, the one i used before i told about the 1920x1080 doesnt have the MatrixStack, THIS IS WHAT I WAS USING public static void drawTexturedModalRect(int x, int y, int u, int v, int width, int height, float zLevel) THIS IS WHAT YOU TOLD ME(there are only 2 drawTexturedModalRect and you said that i have to use the one with "different parameters, this has an extra parameter which is MatrixStack") public static void drawTexturedModalRect(MatrixStack matrixStack, int x, int y, int u, int v, int width, int height, float zLevel)
  13. it didnt work: MatrixStack stack = new MatrixStack(); mc.getTextureManager().bindTexture(textureLocation); gui.drawTexturedModalRect(stack,x, y, imageOffsetX, imageOffsetY, imageSizeX, imageSizeY,zLevel); mc.getTextureManager().bindTexture(AbstractGui.GUI_ICONS_LOCATION);
  14. there are only 2 drawTexturedModalRect, the ONLY DIFFERENCE between those 2 is that one has a MatrixStack at the beginning, The one i use for 256x256 public static void drawTexturedModalRect(int x, int y, int u, int v, int width, int height, float zLevel) the one u told me (do i have to use this one right?) public static void drawTexturedModalRect(MatrixStack matrixStack, int x, int y, int u, int v, int width, int height, float zLevel)
  15. which method i have to use, there are a lot and i only learned drawTexturedModalRect
  16. dude see me code, drawTexturedModalRect(X,Y,IMAGEOFFSETX,IMAGEOFFSETY,1920,1080,ZLEVEL) with drawTexturedModalRect the max size of the image is 1920x1080?, what method should i use
  17. hi, im here againt because i need something, the all my overlays are 256x256, even those from some overlay tutorials, but i've seen some people that uses overlays of 1920x1080 and i tried but it kind of duplicate (my overlays of 256x256 works) (1920x1080) this is how it should look: https://imgur.com/a/p8pXEzn and this is how IT LOOKS: https://imgur.com/a/4F35AAP mc.getTextureManager().bindTexture(textureLocation); //gui.drawTexturedModalRect(x, y, imageOffsetX, imageOffsetY, imageSizeX, imageSizeY,zLevel); gui.drawTexturedModalRect(x, y, 0, 0, 1920, 1080,100); mc.getTextureManager().bindTexture(AbstractGui.GUI_ICONS_LOCATION);
  18. then, i have to subtract the 10 in pos1 or pos2? (i want to make the area a cube of 10x10 and the center of the area has to be the player) BlockPos pos1 = playerPos.add(new Vector3i(player.getPosX() + 10,player.getPosY() + 10,player.getPosZ() + 10)); BlockPos pos2 = playerPos.add(new Vector3i(player.getPosX() - 10,player.getPosY() - 10,player.getPosZ() - 10));
  19. i tried something with axisAlignedBB but is not working BlockPos playerPos = player.getPosition(); BlockPos pos1 = playerPos.add(new Vector3i(player.getPosX() + 10,player.getPosY() + 10,player.getPosZ() + 10)); BlockPos pos2 = playerPos.add(new Vector3i(player.getPosX() + 10,player.getPosY() + 10,player.getPosZ() + 10)); List<CowEntity> targets = world.getEntitiesWithinAABB(CowEntity.class,new AxisAlignedBB(pos1,pos2)); if(!targets.isEmpty()) { player.sendStatusMessage(new StringTextComponent("there is a cow around you")) } AND (for example there are 3 cows in the range) if(!targets.isEmpty()) { player.sendStatusMessage(new StringTextComponent(targets)) }
  20. what i want is that my block only can be placed by code(with the world.setBlockState), and the fire block, it has a collision volume, or you couldnt remove it, and if you copy the fire block in the console it appears something of copying null... but for i want is just not add my block as an item right?
  21. is there a way to make that my custom block cant be copied with the middle mouse button(or any button that the player have assigned for copying blocks) ?, i looked the fire block for example (and his AbstractFireBlock) and there isnt a method that intervene that (maybe is an event) but how can i do it
  22. thank you :), hey "your button that is located on the upper right side", does it do the same as the "Reload All Gradle Projects" in search everywhere?
  23. hi i made the accesstransformer.cfg file with the text it needs for what im doing, but i dont know how to refresh the gradle project, in eclipse you right click in the project, gradle and refresh gradle project but im using intellij and all the tutorials for accesstransformers are made for eclipse #AbstractClientPlayerEntity public net.minecraft.client.entity.player.AbstractClientPlayerEntity field_175157_a # playerInfo #NetworkPlayerInfo public net.minecraft.client.network.play.NetworkPlayerInfo field_187107_a # playerTextures public net.minecraft.client.network.play.NetworkPlayerInfo field_178864_d # playerTexturesLoaded public net.minecraft.client.network.play.NetworkPlayerInfo func_178841_j()V # loadPlayerTextures public net.minecraft.client.network.play.NetworkPlayerInfo field_178867_a # gameProfile
  24. i wrote the accessmodifier thing, refreshed the build.gradle file and even restarted my idle but it didnt worked, i checked the location of where the .cfg file should be but there is nothing(src/main/resources/META-INF/accesstransformer.cfg), there is only the mods.toml
  25. I know this is basic java knowledge but PLEASE tell me a solution, i already learned java but i never imagined how i can use public, private and protected(obviusly i use them but i dont know how to connect private fieds so my class) im BEGGING YOU tell me how, i tried some tutorials of how to access to private fields but it wasnt helpful
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