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  1. Ok, I made a bit of progress. I registerd an EventHook to the MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.register(new MyEventHook()); inside the eventhook: in the loadEntitys function i am building the new Entitys from a xml file: but still i cant see the entity when i port to 60 60 60. Even tryed to sysout() the position of my entity in the update function : I dont' get why i dont get any sysout msg even though i registered and spawned the entity. Again help would be a appreciated
  2. I added the fallowing in my main class, but i don't get any std out msg. Neither on if a run the mod via Starting the server and joning it, and also just starting the client. also i changed : to hopeing that it will allow me to use the onWorldLoad on the server. Did not work.
  3. I am having trouble when trying to spawn an Entity when my world is loading. The problem is that i need to spawn it when the world is loaded (No EntityRegistry.addSpawn(...)). I need this mod to make an Adventure map, which means that every entity should only be spawned once. To get my hands on a point where to world is loaded i used: Hidden An in my WorldLoadTicker: The problem is that i can't spawn entitys in a remote world. but when i run the code i only receive an STDOUT msg which tells me that my world is remote. (entity spawning does work, but the entity does not move and i read, that i should never use "ModLoader.getMinecraftInstance().theWorld.spawnEntityInWorld()" if theWorld.isRemote()) I hope that I did make my problem clear. A quick respone will be appreciated. (pls forgive my possible bad spelling i am not a native english speaker)
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