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Everything posted by martiblq

  1. block models: I don't really have blockstate. would it look like the normal ones?
  2. First time making a custom block model so things went wrong : D. The item model is fine because i can see it properly in my inventory, hand, item frame and etc. When I place it tho it has no texture(the purple black stuff). The model kinda looks like a cauldrin so it has empty space between the 4 legs and when i tried breaking a block under it it worked. So the model works, but there are no texture. This is the class.
  3. the event the block i want it so if you rightclick on the block you don't place blocks
  4. 1.15.I want my block(i'll call it x) to consume whatever block im rightclicking with. i already did the consuming part but if you right click with a block it consumes one and places one next to x. how can i make it so you cant use x to place blocks near it?
  5. this is the code for the held item. i can't just paste it in the block
  6. I want to get an item in my inventory when i rightclick a specific block with a specigic item. I did the item part with an if in an event class. Can i put another if inside the first one that checks if the block is the right one?
  7. 1.12 is not suported so i don't know if you'll get an answer : (
  8. The version is 1.15. I want something to happen when the block the player is looking at is the same as whatever block. So it would be somethis like this if(the block the player is looking at == Blocks.a block) { } I just don't know how to check.
  9. i mean in an if. how do i check if the block im righ clicking at is == to another
  10. Can you show me what is wrong with the onItemUseFinished?Can you show me how it must be?
  11. so it returns the bowl but now it doesn't feed you. here is item init and here is the class
  12. Basicly like mushroom stew. When it's used (eaten) to give the bowl back. I saw online to use "return new ItemStack(Items.BOWL);" but it says "Unreachable code". Here is the hole thing: package com.martiblq.stew_mod.objects.items; import net.minecraft.entity.LivingEntity; import net.minecraft.item.Item; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.item.Items; import net.minecraft.world.World; public class BabyYodaStew extends Item { public BabyYodaStew(Properties properties) { super(properties); } @Override public ItemStack onItemUseFinish(ItemStack stack, World worldIn, LivingEntity entityLiving) { return super.onItemUseFinish(stack, worldIn, entityLiving); return new ItemStack(Items.BOWL); } }
  13. @EventBusSubscriber(modid = Testing.MOD_ID, bus = Bus.MOD) @ObjectHolder(Testing.MOD_ID) public class iteminit { public static final Item test_item = null; @SubscribeEvent public static void registerItems(final RegistryEvent.Register<Item> event) { event.getRegistry().register(new Item(new Item.Properties().group(testingItemGroup.instance)).setRegistryName("test_item").hasEffect(stack)); } }
  14. I know but it says that I should make a variable or a field
  15. I just want it to glow. Nothing else. Here is the iteminit for the item event.getRegistry().register(new Item(new Item.Properties().group(washingmodItemGroup.instance)).setRegistryName("test_item"));
  16. I'm on 1.15.2 and I saw that I have to use .hasEffect(ItemStack stack) but it says that I have to create a class. Do I use null instead of ItemStack stack?
  17. Oh my god thank you. I didn't knew I can't use uppercase letters. thanks again
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