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Everything posted by Terristen

  1. Sorry been occupied last couple days. in CommonProxy public static String TEXTURE_PATH = "/terristen/minecraft/platecraft/gfx/";
  2. Pertinent section of Renderer Folder Structure inside Zip (not screen-shotted) Note: The other textures in the same folder work both in Eclipse and in the compiled mod, where they sit. As for the logs. There are no references to a missing texture in the ForgeModLoader-client-#.log files, and I see no error logs in the MC directory. There are no other log files available in the MC directory or sub-directories. One last detail, though I don't think it's playing any part. After reobfuscating (a minute+ after closing command window) Microsoft Security Essentials prompts me to "send information about an unknown file" to Microsoft (NSA?). It's complaining about reobfuscate.jar. It's annoying, but doesn't seem to be a likely culprit.
  3. Not sure if this is helpful or not, but it sounds a lot like the MC bug that can happen in full screen mode. That is usually fixed by going to windowed mode, and/or hitting the ALT key a couple times while in an inventory gui. I'd check that just to be sure you rule out a runtime bug and not the code.
  4. Your transferStackInSlot function is returning null. If this is happening on shift-click then you should consider putting some code in there. Mine looks like this.
  5. As for the mkdir() suggestion and the folder check... All my other textures for the mod are in the same folder. They all work in the compiled package. I'm using a variable in the CommonProxy that points to the gfx folder to do the loadTexture() in the renderer. I'll put the pertinent code bits up in a little while.
  6. I've looked, cannot find any reference to this exact issue anywhere. It's not the usual RTFM, as far as I can tell. Background: MC 1.4.7 on a custom modpack server outside my control (thus not upgraded to newest forge) I have a custom arrow that works great. All the usual issues have been dealt with. It's fired from a custom bow. In Eclipse the mod works as expected. The arrow texture resides in a /gfx/ folder in my mod along with the other textures my mod uses (blocks/machines, items, etc...). After recompiling and reobfuscating the mod, I copied the gfx folder to the reob'ed directory and put everything in a zip. I deployed the mod to a tekkit-lite instance for testing. Now the problem: All my textures are working EXCEPT the arrow texture for the EntityArrow. It is located in the same folder as the items spritesheet, and other textures. I get the "Texture Missing" texture on the arrow in-flight instead of the custom texture. Again, the textures work fine in Eclipse, but not in the deployed mod. I've checked that the folder is in the same location inside the zip as it sits in the eclipse src folder I've checked that the image is not corrupted Ideas? I'm lost at this point.
  7. Followup... Imported the files specified by Divisor in his instructions, but had so many errors in the java, I didn't know even where to start. over a hundred. a few looked like easy fixes, but the rest appeared to be too complicated for me as a mere mortal to attempt to fix. <PSA> API developers, please release the .java files if you intend to make your API widely used. </PSA>
  8. Ok, I believe I've found the solution. I had figured out a little bit on my own, but then came across the APiI developer's FAQ on another API which filled in the holes for me. Here's the scoop. 1) install forge as usual 2) run install.bat(sh) etc... 3) rename /src to /src_forge 4) replace the minecraft.jar file located in the /mcp/jars directory with one modded with the API you need to decompile 5) run mcp/cleanup.bat(sh) 6) run mcp/decompile.bat(sh) 7) copy the appropriate source files to the correct /src_forge/ directory rename or delete /src (to /src_decompile/ or something) 9) rename /src_forge back to /src That's it. Thank you to Divisor for producing these APIs as well as the instructions I've paraphrased above. I found these on his Player API forum post, though I do not believe they were on his RenderPlayer API forum post (which was the API I first targeted). Some people may think, "well duh...." but my feeling is the more times it's spelled out online, the more likely someone will find it when they search. I guess a similar process can be followed for other APIs when src is not included. Let me know if this hits the spot, I'll be testing the whole process tonight.
  9. I'll dig into that info, I hadn't come across it yet. If I figure anything out here, I'll post my solution. If I didn't keep getting sidetracked with these nuisance issues... and all this trying has pretty much screwed up my development environment beyond repair. Probably going to have to begin at scratch again.
  10. Since I can't seem to find this anywhere, what about for APIs that don't distribute their source docs? Like RenderPlayer API and Player API? Obviously some people have used these in their mods already, but no reference on how to decompile them. Far be it form me to complain about an API that someone is releasing for free out to the masses, but the installation instructions for modders is....lacking? I'm a fairly new modder but a long-time programmer, and I'm finding myself less than gruntled on the modding documentation in general; but back to topic, does anyone know how to get these APIs into the project?
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