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  1. Not really, I was more so asking how I would go about creating an entity that acts like a villager in that it stays to village boundaries and has a reputation system akin to the vanilla villagers
  2. So I made a custom entity, I have it behave akin to a villager, and have finally set it up to behave like a trader and all that mess. Now I'm wondering how I should go about creating custom villages that said entities can link themselves to and well just behave like vanilla villagers essentially. Does anyone have info on how I'd go about doing this? I know mods such as MCA and Millénaire have achieved similar things. I have tried looking at the javadocs and it it seems even messier than the initial trader code. Any direction to just analyze that would be helpful if nobody knows how to implement what I'm asking.
  3. Like the title says, how would I go about making my entity use the villager professions and villager data classes. I know how to connect it to the IMerchent stuff and whatnot to open up a GUI and display a list of trades--or at least a very rough idea of such from looking at other mods and implementing it the same way they do; however this doesn't allow my entity to use the villager professions system, and is more like the old villager trading system, but even worse bc they never regain their trades once used. Any suggestions?
  4. As the title says, how would I have an entity detect when it is right clicked by a player? I ultimately am trying to make an entity trigger an animation when it is right clicked by a player.
  5. Thank you so much! I had just finished going through the Forge Documentation again before reading your response, and things are much clearer now. Your explanation of Registries and Events has made it much more concise to me about what it's doing.
  6. I've been using several different ones and completely starting over with each tutorial. I'll list them in order of when I did them, the last one being the current tutorial I'm using and so far my favorite. If you know of any better tutorials I would be extremely grateful for a link. Cadiboo's (Stopped using bc the tutorial was still WIP on key concepts) https://cadiboo.github.io/tutorials/1.15.1/forge/ Technovision's (Stopped using bc there were limited videos, it's a new tutorial) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JOTH1eDP99Y&list=RDCMUC3n-lKS-MYlunVtErgzSFZg&index=5 Jorrit Tyberghein's (Stopped using bc I found it hard to follow due to the creators accent, seemed like a good tutorial though) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DgY6kKf5rGU&list=PLmaTwVFUUXiBKYYSyrv_uPPoPZtEsCBVJ TurtyWurty's (Currently using, it's easier to follow than Jorrit's, and has significantly more concepts covered than Cadiboo's & Technovision's) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H55ClYTdQEI&list=PLaevjqy3XufYmltqo0eQusnkKVN7MpTUe
  7. I've been following various tutorials on how to develop mods for 1.15.2, and I've been able to follow them fairly well after spending a week trying to familiarize myself with java; however I don't actually understand what is going on with a significant portion of my code. More specifically with Registries and Events. What the heck are they? The end goal of what I wish to create is a mod that can simulate gases by having a fluid that flows upwards instead of down, and eventually dissipates after a flowing up a significant amount. I found a mod that seems to do what I want but the latest release of it was for 1.7.10, and very little within the code makes sense to me. Is there anywhere I should be looking for further guidance? I checked out the documentation for 1.15.2, but there wasn't anything pertaining to fluids, or even an explanation for most of the classes and tags I've found within the forge libraries that my IDE imported. I attached some screenshots of what I found referencing fluids at all, and they make a bit more sense than anything I've managed to find on google. I'm assuming I'd register them in my RegistryEvents class like a block; however that just leads back to my previous question of what the heck are Registries and Events even doing and how am I supposed to infer on what properties fluids can have, and how would I add new features to it such as making it float upwards and dissipate.
  8. I'm fairly positive Optifine for 1.15.2 wasn't compatible with forge until the latest release "OptiFine 1.15.2 HD U G1 pre16" posted 2 days ago. Looks like you're using pre14 so my best guess is that's the issue. Best of luck!
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