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Everything posted by J15t98J

  1. I don't really want to crash the client. What error would the serverauth packet produce?
  2. Unfortunately, there isn't, as far as I can see.
  3. Sq is, as you said, the Player class. Just import org.bukkit.entity.Player (I think).
  4. Mew, I've already got that set up, and just need a way to kick the player without it saying "Disconnected by Server" at the top. Also, displaying the connection error GUI is client side, so I'd have to send a packet (if there is one); otherwise I would have to mod the client, which I don't want to do
  5. Any idea on how to do it? I have everything else set up - custom YAML config files, event listeners etc. I just need a way to fake a realistic connection error
  6. As in, how do you get a newer version of LWJGL to run your mod with? http://www.lwjgl.org/download.php Right here.
  7. Mod author (Mevans) or mod author (someone else)?
  8. So. I'm currently writing a Bukkit plugin which allows moderators to ban someone with a slightly different command, so that instead of seeing a ban message when they log in, the server closes / times out the socket they are connecting on, so they just see a connection error and don't suspect anything. However, Bukkit's API doesn't have the ability to close sockets / force them to time out, as far as I can tell. Is there a way to accomplish this with Forge, and if so, how? I know it's a slightly odd request, any help appreciated
  9. a. Anything registered properly as an entity should fire that listener when you hit it. What mod is it? b. What are you trying to do with it / do you need it for? And what method (from what library) is it?
  10. Instead of using forge events (which I don't know at all), you could use Bukkit events (which I do). Note that your class will have to implement org.bukkit.event.Listener. If you choose to place the listener in a different class to your main one, in the onEnable() function in your main class, you will need to add: getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(new <class name here>(), this); This is how it is done in Bukkit, anyway. Not sure if it changes for ForgeBukkit.
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