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Everything posted by emkirsh

  1. I'll send this all over to Paper. Thanks! I guess maybe Vanilla just ignores it or something but Forge is too smart and knows something's wrong? Also, if it's sending back invalid level data, would removing ProtocolLib help?
  2. latest.log with my regular mods loaded latest.log -- forge only ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Both of the above are on Forge 31.2.0 If you need them on 31.2.8 as well, let me know.
  3. The strangest thing happened! It was working fine with Forge installed, but then I added my mods back and it broke again. I then removed OptiFine and it still broke. I then removed my other mods and it continued to break, despite the fact that it worked earlier. Disabling server resource pack fixed it again, then re-enabling it broke it!
  4. Update: It must've been paper because my server updated and it's fixed. How strange! Feel free to close this thread!
  5. But the problem only happens with Forge. If Forge is causing the crash, then why would it be Paper? Also, I didn't mean it that way. I just wanted a response and was tired. Sorry if I seemed rude. I'll also submit a bug report to Paper.
  6. bump. Please help me with this. I see active mods with the ability to close posts but none have responded to this yet.
  7. Oh wait! I just realized! Take out the client side mods, such as Blur, that don't do anything on the server! I had this poroblem once. Smh for not realizing sooner!
  8. In the pastebin, some of the mods don't show a Minecraft version. Can you verify that all of the mods are for FORGE 1.15.2? (also make sure none are for Fabric). Also, does the crash happen with an empty mods folder? I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but if it doesn't crash without mods, you're going to have to remove mods one by one until you can isolate the culprit. Once you find the culprit, you need to submit a bug report the that mod's developer, not Forge. Forge can't fix a problem that's caused by another mod. In the crash report, I see a lot of com.electronwill.nightconfig. etc. in the error. I can't find anything related to either electronwill or nightconfig in the mod list. This is strange. Definitely try what I said above, and ping me if you need more help!
  9. also there seems to be a problem with the spoiler feature in your forums.
  10. I've been having a problem with my Slimeblock Elevator on a Minecraft server: while I'm being launched up, my game crashes! java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The value 18336 is not in the specified inclusive range of 0 to 16383 Previously, this problem has arose and disappeared. It used to stop happening when I turned off OptiFine. I submitted an issue to them, and they said it wasn't OptiFine. The issue was fixed, anyways, but today, it started happening again. I had just updated my mods (which was NOT the problem, btw), and when I hit the button to go up, I crashed again! The first thing I did was remove OptiFine from my mods folder, to see if it was causing it again. It continued to crash. Next, I removed everything from my mods folder (with the exception of the .rar I put all the mods into) and tried it again. Still crashed. java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The value 18336 is not in the specified inclusive range of 0 to 16383 Why? It's funny. I used to get different numbers each time. Today, they were always the same: 18336 is not in the specified inclusive range of 0 to 16383. I then tried removing my resource packs (except mod resources that I couldn't remove). It finally didn't crash! I was still going to write a bug report because it worked fine no matter what on Vanilla. But, I read the rules and saw that in order to get support, you must be on the latest version. So I "upgraded" from 31.2.0 to 31.2.8. Now it crashed both with and without the resource packs! YAY! (Side note, if it helps: the 31.2.8 was on a different game directory than 31.2.0 but at this point they were both free of mods in the mods folder.) So, I can verify that this is a Minecraft Forge issue, as it happens without any mods, with and without resource packs, and never crashes on Vanilla. If it helps, the game seemed to crash more consistently with resource packs ON, though it may be coincidental as going back to 31.2.0 and disabling resource packs still caused it after I tested 31.2.8 even though they were launched on different game directories, so it wasn't a file in one or the other that triggered it. I'll also add that I got the same number values (18336 is not in the specified inclusive range of 0 to 16383) both in the default ~/.minecraft/ directory and the one I have my mods on. Here are the relevant logs and crash reports: Stacktrace (completely identical between both game directories and 2 back-to-back crashes per directory): -- Head -- Thread: Render thread Stacktrace: at org.apache.commons.lang3.Validate.inclusiveBetween(Validate.java:1032) at net.minecraft.util.BitArray.func_219789_a(SourceFile:37) at net.minecraft.util.palette.PalettedContainer.func_222643_a(PalettedContainer.java:121) at net.minecraft.util.palette.PalettedContainer.func_222641_a(PalettedContainer.java:110) at net.minecraft.world.chunk.ChunkSection.func_177484_a(SourceFile:60) at net.minecraft.world.chunk.ChunkSection.func_222629_a(SourceFile:54) at net.minecraft.world.chunk.Chunk.func_177436_a(Chunk.java:250) at net.minecraft.world.World.func_180501_a(World.java:177) at net.minecraft.tileentity.PistonTileEntity.func_73660_a(PistonTileEntity.java:293) Most Recent 31.2.0 Crash report (modded directory with no mods in mods folder, but there's an archive with the mods in that) Most Recent 31.2.8 Crash report (default directory with no mods in mods folder, but there's a few folders used by some Fabric mods. There are no Fabric mods in the folder, either.) 31.2.0 latest debug.log 31.2.8 latest debug.log I hope you guys can fix this! Thanks in advance for your help!
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