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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. Nvm, I eventually got it to work. Thanks for the help
  2. I've installed and reinstalled multiple versions of java and I still get the error.
  3. "DeferredRegister<>" should look like "DeferredRegister<>" but because it is "depricated"(whatever that means) it wont work. It causes no problems when running the mod, but it doesn't let me build it. *btw I'm using IntelliJ
  4. I can't get it to work. Is there a way for me to send the source code to you and you could do it.
  5. I'm kinda new to making mods and I'm not entirely sure how to build the .jar file that goes into the mods folder. If anyone can explain how to do it, that would be greatly appreciated.
  6. Thanks, It's now fixed.
  7. I keep getting this error when I try to load up the game: "mod_name (mod_ID) has failed to load correctly null" I looked through the latest.log and seen something to do with the specific line of code with "RegistryHandler.init()"on it, so I went to the file that it's in and everything is fine. Even Inspect code doesn't pick up any errors. FYI I'm using IntelliJ IDEA. latest.log
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