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Everything posted by DavidQF555

  1. Now I'm just getting an error saying that the period after Builder should be a '('.
  2. I am making an new modded entity, but I want it to have an "owner" field, so I want to add another parameter in the constructor of the entity, but I'm getting an error on the following code. Not even adding multiple constructors works. How would I make it so that you can add another parameter or at least initialize the field? Also, where does the game even get the world and type parameter for the /summon command? RegistryObject<EntityType<CustomEntity>> CUSTOM_ENTITY = ENTITY_TYPES.register("custom_entity", () -> EntityType.Builder.create(CustomEntity::new, EntityClassification.AMBIENT).size(1, 1).build(new ResourceLocation(Main.MOD_ID, "custom_entity").toString()));
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