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Everything posted by TheyCallMeDanger

  1. Up until the latest Forge for mc 1.5, System.out.printf() used to print nicely on my eclipse console. With this latest update, it just stopped. No output anymore. Sorry, but I'm old-school, and that's what i use to debug and see what's going on... Anyone know how to make System.out.printf() work again? Thanks!
  2. Use setBlockAndMetadataWithNotify(). It's a pain to convert it all... You'll have to add two args(world, x,y,z, blockid, meta, notify); meta is the metadata that goes along with your block, usually 0. notify is critical here... it appears that it in most cases it should be a 2, otherwise the block doesn't get updated to the client. Don't use eclipse to make your changes. Use a real editor, then restart eclipse. I used 'vim'. Much faster! Good luck!
  3. Please answer the guy's question and give him an example. I'm trying to do almost exactly the same thing. BIG BUMP to this question. All I'm trying to do, is to add some crops that I've already made, to the village fields. Simple, right? Wrong. I've copied and renamed ComponentVillageField2 and modified it. I've also found the same IVillageCreationHandler class. I'm also stumped. The biggest problem I have with forge, other than bugs and the refusal to fix them, is the lack of working examples. The rate of change of the interfaces is exasperating too. Geez... Stability. It's a wonderful thing. Try it some day. And no. Don't even tell me to go RTFM. There is no documentation! (no. java is not self documenting!) Please, provide a *working* example of how to add a village component. What goes where? I realize y'all are probably doing this for free, but you're going to lose your audience if you don't start providing support. Examples. Examples. Examples. There is far more to a programming interface than just writing it. Support and documentation are key. Thanks!
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