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Everything posted by vJesus

  1. Hi everyone, I'm very new in coding and i thought it's a good idea to start with Minecraft modding. A lot of my things work but one thing doesnt work: I tried to give me Godmode with Regeneration but i dont get the Potion. So can anyone help me with my code?(Please an example code) And sorry for my bad english ._. Here is the code: import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft; import net.minecraft.entity.player.PlayerEntity; import net.minecraft.potion.Effect; import net.minecraft.potion.EffectInstance; import net.minecraft.potion.Effects; public class Godmode { public static PlayerEntity Player = Minecraft.getInstance().player; public static boolean Toggle = false; public static void Regeneration() { if(Toggle){ PlayerEntity Player = Minecraft.getInstance().player; EffectInstance EffectInstance = new EffectInstance(Effects.REGENERATION); Player.getActivePotionEffect(Effect.get(20)); Toggle = false; }else{ Player.removeActivePotionEffect(Effects.REGENERATION); Toggle = true; } } }
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