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Everything posted by szure15

  1. It worked, forge has its own Meta-inf. i remembered, that i shouldn't delete meta-inf when installing forge!
  2. Logs can be deleted, but yes u have to stop the server. Try to make a script that deletes logs after the server stops. If u don't add or remove mods it should be fine!
  3. Hi! i just installed forge (i dragged the contents of the .zip in the MC.jar in bin), and i get this: how to fix this?
  4. It turned out, that all the chicken mods were outdated. If you run in the same problem update chicken mods!
  5. Hi! I got the updated Xycraft for FTB DW20 pack. it needs the forge, and the CodeChickenCore 0.7.3, so i updated them. and now when i start up it says: There was a fatal error starting up minecraft and FML there is no crash log! client Log-0:
  6. It cant download something! Make sure ur connected to the Internet! I'm not sure why forge wants to download something...
  7. Actually his forge is updated: 2013-02-15 19:55:56 [sTDOUT] MinecraftForge v6.6.0.497 Initialized 2013-02-15 19:55:56 [ForgeModLoader] MinecraftForge v6.6.0.497 Initialized Ironchest is not upgraded for 6.6 disable it! I have the same in FTB. ironchest-universal-1.4.7- (required-after:Forge@[6.5,);required-after:FML@[4.7.22,))
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