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  1. What should I do in the listener method to register the command? I don't see any methods of the RegisterCommandsEvent class that can help, although I'm sure I'm wrong since that's its whole purpose.
  2. Hi, I've looked in a couple different places, but I can't find an answer for the latest version of Forge. What's the proper way to register a command? Also, is there a place where I can find the answers to simple questions like these? Or do I just have to look in the API for how to do it? I don't like bothering others with questions that can theoretically be answered easily such as this one. Any help would be great, thanks!
  3. Oh, I didn't know that, I was looking at the Forge API documentation online, which seems to be outdated because it still lists TextComponentString as an implementation of ITextComponent, and it doesn't list the class you mentioned. Thanks for the tip!
  4. This appears to be a pre-1.14.4 mod. Versions below 1.14.4 can't be discussed on this forum because they are considered legacy versions of Minecraft. I'd PM you with help if I knew what the issue is, but I don't, sorry.
  5. Hi, I'm trying to use EntityPlayer::sendMessage(ITextComponent, UUID) but I am having a hard time finding an implementation of ITextComponent. According to some quick Google searches, in previous versions there was TextComponentString, but that class seems to not exist anymore. If anyone could offer any help, that would be great. Thanks in advance!
  6. That means that there isn't enough free memory available on your system for the application to launch. In order to run it, try putting "-Xmx512M" without the quotes between "java" and "-jar" when running it from the command line. If that doesn't work, you'll need to have 3 GB of RAM free before you run the installer.
  7. Hi, I'm planning on making my first mod, coming from about 4 years of experience in Java and its API. I've done a considerable amount of research on this, but after looking on r/MinecraftModding and this forum, I came up short. In 1.12.2 you could add serverSideOnly=true and acceptableRemoteVersions="*" to the @/Mod annotation, but you can't do that anymore apparently. How can I do the equivalent of those in 1.16.1? I even looked at the Mod.java source file for the @/Mod annotation and I couldn't find entries for those fields. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
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