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Everything posted by TheOrionEmpire

  1. also, im new to forge and dont know where to find the debug log
  2. Im not sure how to check. it is forge 1.16.1.
  3. I installed forge (1.16.1) and Java 8 onto my computer successfully. I go into my minecraft launcher, select forge, and then it starts its initial setup process. This goes fast until around 60-70% where it grinds to a screeching halt. It keeps loading for a bit after that, but then it starts going backwards until 20-30% and then freezes and crashes. I tried this 4 times (each took about 45 mins) and got pretty consistant results. I would really apreciate help, and would like to install mods. Thank you! (Note: i have tried reinstalling forge.) (Note 2: It is stuck on, to quote the startup, "Atlas Stitching : Minecraft:textures/atlas/shulker_boxes.png")
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