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  1. suggested things to fix in 1.19.2: minecraft creeper,zombie,skeleton takes extra ticking minecraft chest(block entity) takes extra ticking minecraft passive mobs(when staying still currently tick) minecraft head turn(remove or fix) found using /debug and /jfr and /perf
  2. GPU not running is part of the issue, only other likely potential cause is OptiFine.
  3. Um thats not running out of memory, the Gpu is not running.
  4. Following many different tutorials, even the forge MDK seemed to fail. I will give more detail probably Saturday or Monday.
  5. Start with helloworld for modding please, its a pain to debug if helloworld doesn't even work.
  6. I have forge world that cant load mods for this reason.
  7. you have forge as a mod, but your world type is vanilla I believe.
  8. I may be wrong but I believe you are trying to run vanilla world type with mods.
  9. I try to use gradle for modding but every time I do regardless of my IDE I am using, results in my IDE crashing or breaking. If not it restarts my computer and all computer changes such as my data for school gets erased for past few days.
  10. Start with a basic Hello World. I can't even get that to work.
  11. com.endertech.minecraft.mods.adfinders.init.FinderType is where the issue is, so I assume removing endertech should fix it.
  12. Would be appreciated and get rid of a majority of server and modding issues. Thanks for reading
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