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  1. So I already do rotate the Template via PlacementSettings. The problem is, it rotates the Template around the corner. Can I somehow set it to rotate around center?
  2. Thanks, can you tell me which settings there are for the Template class?
  3. Hello there, I have a template that should be placed in a certain area. The area defines wheter the template should be rotated and on which side of the area it should be placed. Is there an easy method to do that? Right now I am trying to play around with the addBlocksToWorld() function, but it is hard to get the right BlockPos where to place the template since it could also be rotated.
  4. Hello there, I have several objects that have a defined area. I want to store that are to NBT with the WorldSavedData class. The area is defined in the object via two BlockPos'. And I store them each with an integer array. Is there a better way to do so? Greetings, Bumpay!
  5. Ah I see the problem with that is I do not use a literal Argument builder in the way you do. I have my main Command class (TraSimCommands) and they register a new command in this case the CreateDock class and in there the fourth argument is the enum.
  6. Hello there, I have a SuggestionProvider that suggest names that could be seperated by a space. So it would be a nice feature to add quotation marks arround the names. private static final SuggestionProvider<CommandSource> SUGGEST_PORT = (source, builder) -> ISuggestionProvider.suggest(PortWorldSavedData.getPortNameListByUuid(source.getSource().asPlayer().getUniqueID(), PortWorldSavedData.get(source.getSource().asPlayer().getServerWorld())).stream(), builder); How do I do that? greetings Bumpay
  7. I don't get your way of implementing the argument. You mean i should create a for loop to get all directions out of the Direction class? But the how do I add those as an argument?
  8. Hello there, my goal is to get the Direction enum as an argument into a command. I tried this: Commands.argument("isFacing", EnumArgument.enumArgument(Direction.class)) .executes(source -> { return createShip(source.getSource(), StringArgumentType.getString(source, "shipName"), StringArgumentType.getString(source, "portName"), BlockPosArgument.getBlockPos(source, "pos1"), BlockPosArgument.getBlockPos(source, "pos2"), source.getArgument("isFacing", Direction.class)); } But that suggests me all the Direction Names which when use autocomplete can't be referred to an enum. Is there a way to get the suggestions in upper case letters? Also I only want to display the horizontal Directions. Bumpay
  9. How do I read my saved Objects back when this is how I write it? GitHub - PortWorldSavedData @Override public CompoundNBT write(CompoundNBT compound) { //NBT_Compound ListNBT portsListNBT = new ListNBT(); compound.put("ports", portsListNBT); //-NBT_List "ports" for (Port p:portList){ CompoundNBT portNBT = new CompoundNBT(); //--NBT_Compound "a single port" portNBT.putLong("uuidL", p.getOwner().getUniqueID().getLeastSignificantBits()); //---NBT_Long "uuidL" portNBT.putLong("uuidM", p.getOwner().getUniqueID().getMostSignificantBits()); //---NBT_Long "uuidM" portNBT.putBoolean("isOpen", p.isOpen()); //---NBT_Bool "isOpen" portNBT.putString("name", p.getName()); //---NBT_String "name" portNBT.putInt("x", p.getXCoordinate()); //---NBT_Int "x" portNBT.putInt("y", p.getZCoordinate()); //---NBT_Int "y" ListNBT docksListNBT = new ListNBT(); portNBT.put("docks", docksListNBT); //---NBT_List "docks" for (Dock d:p.getDocks()) { CompoundNBT dockNBT = new CompoundNBT(); //----NBT_Compound "a single dock" dockNBT.putBoolean("isHomeDock", d.isHomeDock); //----NBT_Bool "isHomeDock" dockNBT.putBoolean("isUsed", d.isUsed); //----NBT_Bool "isUsed" dockNBT.putIntArray("dockArea", d.getDockArea().toNBTTagIntArray().getIntArray()); //----NBT_Int[] "dockArea" docksListNBT.add(dockNBT); } portsListNBT.add(portNBT); } return compound; } Edit: Okay I tried around a bit and does this might be the right way to load the data again? @Override public void read(CompoundNBT nbt) { ListNBT list = nbt.getList("ports", Constants.NBT.TAG_COMPOUND); for (int i = 0; i < list.stream().count(); i++) { CompoundNBT portNBT = list.getCompound(i); ListNBT listDocks = portNBT.getList("docks", Constants.NBT.TAG_COMPOUND); ArrayList<Dock> docks = new ArrayList<>(); for (int j = 0; j < listDocks.stream().count(); j++) { CompoundNBT dockNBT = listDocks.getCompound(i); Dock dock = new Dock( dockNBT.getBoolean("isHomedock"), dockNBT.getBoolean("isUsed"), new Vec3i(dockNBT.getIntArray("pos1")[0], dockNBT.getIntArray("pos1")[1], dockNBT.getIntArray("pos1")[2]), new Vec3i(dockNBT.getIntArray("pos2")[0], dockNBT.getIntArray("pos2")[1], dockNBT.getIntArray("pos2")[2])); docks.add(dock); } Port port = new Port( new UUID(portNBT.getLong("uuidM"), portNBT.getLong("uuidL")), portNBT.getString("name"), portNBT.getInt("x"), portNBT.getInt("z"), portNBT.getBoolean("isOpen"), docks); portList.add(port); } }
  10. How can I create a switch case in a command? I want the command /create to merge all /createPort, / createDock, /createShip etc. So the player can type in / create [type] and then the arguments vary, depending on what the type needs.
  11. NIce this finally helps me to figure out problems on my own and work even more efficient 👍 Can I somehow check the objects I have saved now?
  12. I found it under the debug options, so it might only work when i run the debug mode right?
  13. Ah well that helped alot. Then for quick fix these errors is it possible, and if so how, to edit and build the code while running the client?
  14. Is it right, that the break happens while I am loading the world, and it does not breaks when I execut the command? I placed it here in CreatePort.java:
  15. At the debug.log? Because there it only says [03Okt2020 12:31:45.476] [Render thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.client.gui.NewChatGui/]: [CHAT] An unexpected error occurred trying to execute that command So where do I need to place it when I want to stop it after the user executes the command? I tried some places but they only fired when loading the world and not in-game.
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