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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. That's what I said — you don't say 1.8.0, you say 1.8. But a 1.8 release does not mean the 1.8 release. It could be the 1.8.4 release. Hence the potential for confusion. And I do agree that there is no point in modifying already-released installers. I didn't mean you should do that. For, say, a 1.9 release, that could be worthwhile, of course that is assuming the error messages are easily modifiable which may not be true. If you measure 2.00001 ml then that's clearly different from 2.0 ml. The latter has an implied uncertainty of like ±0.05 ml and for the former it's ±0.000005 ml (not exactly like that but it shows the idea).
  2. Good point. But honestly, that is a bit ambiguous. Version numbers are sometimes used in a way that 1.8 = 1.8.x. Now of course you wouldn't expect 1.8.4 work with 1.8.1 or something but since this is just setting up the Minecraft default files and the 1.8.x .jar isn't even used as far as the used is concerned, it seems like a reasonable assumption. Might it be worth making the error message more informative, e.g. "1.8 (not 1.8.x)" instead? This is kind of like saying you should measure 2 ml instead of 2.0 ml, which indicates a difference in the required precision of the measuring instrument. Program version numbers unfortunately aren't always this precise because 1.8 is how you would write "1.8.0."
  3. Solved. Go to forge\fml\fml.py and look at line 263: cmd_compile = '"%s" -Xlint:-options -deprecation -g -source 1.6 -target 1.6 -classpath "{classpath}" -sourcepath "{sourcepath}" -d "{outpath}" "{target}"' % self.cmdjavac Remove the quotation marks from "%s" and you're done. The weird thing about this is that it implies the installer does account for paths with spaces, but for some reason that didn't stop it from breaking for me. So normally this shouldn't even be a problem.
  4. I run into problems when trying to install the Forge source as per the wiki guide. The script seems to be unable to locate my java installation. I have entered the correct paths to the PATH variable. I am using Windows XP. I have tried using both the latest and latest stable versions of Forge. This is the console output when running the batch from a freshly extracted archive: Notice how it aborts with the error javac: Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_41\bin\javac is an invalid flag. My Java SDK is installed in C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_41\. This suggests that the installer does not account for the space in the path. As I already stated, I have included the paths in the PATH environment variable. I tried adding quotation marks to the path, but the installer seems to run the same regardless of what values PATH has. Running echo %PATH% in a command prompt produces the correct paths, so that should not be the problem.
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