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  1. I am sorry that I am bad at English(I am Dutch) but a way around this is to run a external file like for example: like java cant restart your pc(yes it can but this is just a example) you can make java run a external file of C++ or another script language yeah MCreator is very limited and I am not so good at public and private and static and that stuff I don't really know what static does and other stuff you can do with public and private yeah I said that I will first learn the basics of java and after that try to make a very simple game(or simulation)
  2. ok but i will maybe tomorrow get a book for java! and if i have made i simple prototype 2D game in java i will then try to mod minecraft again does that sound good? but i am not gonne start making a game i am first going to make simple programs like a JFrame with a button that will restart your pc
  3. i mean with that are there stuff what java cant do? yeah there are absolutely no tutorials on youtube on how to get a private value with forge
  4. i mean with that are there stuff what java cant do?
  5. but what are the limitations of java?
  6. are you guys still there?
  7. because i will then start learning java
  8. Does java have limitations on what it can do like can it change stuff in the cpu or not?
  9. and can I get some Motivation
  10. yes but I don't know what to make and C++ is a lot and I mean a lot stronger than java and if C++ cant do something you can just make a header file that allows it to do that and am I stupid ☹️
  11. but i always fail trying to mod minecraft 😢
  12. @diesieben07 is every single forum i make going to be about how to make that creeper charged because i dont want to have a ep3 of that creeper charged thing and should i just use the minecraft code pack reborn? [link removed] because i did make the creeper charged there can you just give me a example
  13. a field is where you can store stuff in like the obfuscationreflectionhelper and static means that like you made a varible and its like int example = 10; when you do that you can change the value if you dont want that you need to do static int example = 10; now you cant change the value and how to reference a class is that you need to import a class like example class and if you imported it if you want to refrencense it in the other class you need to do example.class
  14. but how do i use it can you give me a example and do i need to store it in a field or something or a boolean like for example this? where do i store it in? ObfuscationReflectionHelper.getPrivateValue(what goes here i just want a example like how do i get the villager class)
  15. bro i know what i function is but the whole time what i have been asking by how to make a creeper charged is how to use a reflection so how do i use a reflection
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