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  1. How do you get the break progress from a blockpos?
  2. Is there way to do this in code or do I really need to create custom layers
  3. Normally I use mc.entityRenderer.loadShader(new ResourceLocation("shaders/post/blur.json")); to load a shader however, this puts the shader on the entire screen. How do I apply the blur shader on only a specific part of the screen? I tried Field resourceManager = EntityRenderer.class.getDeclaredField(Mapping.resourceManager); /* shaderGroup = isObfuscated() ? "field_147707_" : "shaderGroup"; */ Field shaderGroup = EntityRenderer.class.getDeclaredField(Mapping.shaderGroup); /* resourceManager = isObfuscated() ? "field_147711_ac" : "resourceManager"; */ Field useShader = EntityRenderer.class.getDeclaredField(Mapping.useShader); /* useShader = isObfuscated() ? "field_175083_ad" : "useShader"; */ resourceManager.setAccessible(true); shaderGroup.setAccessible(true); useShader.setAccessible(true); shaderGroup.set(mc.entityRenderer, new ShaderGroup(mc.getTextureManager(), (IResourceManager) resourceManager.get(mc.entityRenderer), mc.getFramebuffer(), new ResourceLocation("shaders/post/blur.json"))); ((ShaderGroup) shaderGroup.get(mc.entityRenderer)).createBindFramebuffers(300, 300); useShader.setBoolean(mc.entityRenderer, true); However, this shurk my entire screen and applied the blur filter there and resizing the window causes it to reset. Is there any way I am able to only blur the part of the screen I want and not just the entire screen?
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