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cadendavidson's Achievements

Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. Hello, I'm currently writing an event to allow a player to left-click on any block while holding a block of ice in their main hand, which converts the ice into 2-3 ice cube items from my mod. I'm using Minecraft/Forge version 'net.minecraftforge:forge:1.16.1-32.0.63'. My issue is that the event is essentially fired twice every time, once when the left-click button is pressed and once when it is released. Thus, the player always uses up two ice blocks instead of one. I first made sure the event wasn't being fired twice due to being executed on both the client and the server, as I included the following condition: if (!event.getWorld().isRemote) So the problem is definitely the press-release issue. I can't find anything in the event that specifies whether the click was a press or release. Any thoughts on how I can detect this, and rule out either one or the other? I've included the code for my event below. Thanks! @SubscribeEvent public static void makeIceCubes(PlayerInteractEvent.LeftClickBlock event) { if (!event.getWorld().isRemote) { PlayerEntity playerEntity = event.getPlayer(); ItemStack itemStack = playerEntity.getHeldItemMainhand(); Item heldItem = itemStack.getItem(); if (heldItem.equals(Items.ICE)) { itemStack.shrink(1); World world = event.getWorld(); int iceCubeCount = new Random().nextInt(3) + 1; ItemEntity itemEntity = new ItemEntity(world, playerEntity.getPosX(), playerEntity.getPosY(), playerEntity.getPosZ(), new ItemStack(ModItems.ICE_CUBE.get(), iceCubeCount)); itemEntity.setDefaultPickupDelay(); world.addEntity(itemEntity); } } }
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