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Everything posted by PandaTobi

  1. Gosh, I need to look at existing mob files more! Here's the function you need to add if you wish for your mobs to breed: public boolean isBreedingItem(ItemStack stack) { return TEMPTATION_ITEMS.test(stack); } Make sure that your TEMPTATION_ITEMS variable exists, and that it is an Ingredient object.
  2. I have also added a BreedGoal, but this also does not allow my mob to breed.
  3. I have added the temptation items and created a createChild function successfully, but I still do not know how to implement the breeding functionality within my animal entity class. Are there any resources that you can point me to? Much appreciated!
  4. @Draco18s I understand. Have a good day, and thank you for giving the time to help me! I'll just post the working code here just to help any future users that happend to stumble across this thread: @Override public void addInformation(ItemStack stack, World worldIn, List<ITextComponent> tooltip, ITooltipFlag flagIn) { super.addInformation(stack, worldIn, tooltip, flagIn); tooltip.add(ITextComponent.func_241827_a_("'Lore'em Ipsum! Ha!")); }
  5. @Draco18s I see what I did wrong. I was getting stuck on a part where I was trying to convert the String into a ITextComponent object, but it turns out that the inbuilt "func_241827_a_" function already did that. A bit of an odd naming scheme, but I like it! LOL.
  6. When trying to define an addInformation function to add lore to my custom item, the IDE is telling me that I am not overriding a method from it's superclass. Am I doing something wrong? My function: @Override public void addInformation(ItemStack stack, PlayerEntity player, List list, boolean check) { list.add("Lorem ipsum for your troubled soul:"); }
  7. @Beethoven92 how would you set the flight to false once the player takes off the chestpiece that applied this? thanks so much for your help by the way!
  8. @Beethoven92 holy crud thank you so much! I have been searching in every nook and cranny of these forums, but I couldnt for the life of me find where that went!
  9. Is there a way to do the equivalent of `player.capabilities.allowFlying = true;` in the 1.16 version of Forge?
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