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Everything posted by 5y5t3m

  1. wait there wasnt ever a waystones-server.toml file i deleted:dimstorage-server.tomldankstorage-server.tomlforge-server.tomlironfurnaces-server.tomleasy_villagers-server.toml
  2. i meant that they were recreated sorry my brain just is not working atm but dim & dank storage werent remade
  3. sorry not awake fully rn. debug.log (github.com) it also restored the iron furnaces and easy villagers toml files
  4. It didn’t work I deleted all the files in that folder and it still crashed
  5. oh ok ill try that
  6. I didnt have the forge-server.toml in the folder when i started it, should i try again with that file in the folder? debug.log (github.com)
  7. didnt work should* i try it with the forge-server file? or just send the debug?
  8. debug.log (github.com)
  9. ok i also tried it without the forge-server file as i saw that on a previous post so there should be 2 attempts
  10. It didn’t work when I try to load the world the same issue happens and the file is remade
  11. debug.log (github.com)
  12. it keeps saying -200 and the upload fails?
  13. That makes sense lemme get it
  14. How? I don’t know what that is
  15. I made a world on 1.16.4 Forge version 35.1.4 as it was recommended I added a mod but it was for the wrong version, I removed it and may have hard restarted my laptop (not entirely sure when I did it) and now the world starts to load saying ‘Reading world data’ then crashing? How can I fix this I don’t want to lose the world
  16. I had a similar issue but for 1.16.4 and I deleted the file and it didn’t work
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