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Everything posted by FloweyTF

  1. Do you have some example code that I could look at?
  2. Well, I know that much. However, it doesn't allow the item texture to be changed dynamically based off of the item name
  3. @SubscribeEvent(priority = EventPriority.LOW) public void onChatEvent(ClientChatReceivedEvent event) { HyahmMain.getInstance().logger.info("Received event"); // go match server and server IP if(Minecraft.getMinecraft().getCurrentServerData() == null) return; HyahmMain.getInstance().logger.info("HYAHM connected to: " + Minecraft.getMinecraft().getCurrentServerData().serverName); if(Minecraft.getMinecraft().getCurrentServerData().serverIP != "mc.hypixel.net") return; if(!HyahmMain.getInstance().isServer()) return; if(event.isCanceled()) return; String msg = (Pattern.compile("(?i)" + '\u00A7' + "[0-9A-FK-OR]")) .matcher(event.message.getUnformattedText()) .replaceAll(""); if(!Constants.AutoGGMatch.stream().anyMatch(msg::contains)) return; for (Pattern expr: Constants.MatchNormal) { if(expr.matcher(msg).matches()) return; } Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer.sendChatMessage("/ac gg"); } Nice there's not a java highlight
  4. I have a ClientChatReceivedEvent handler. Inside, I check the ip of the server that the player is connected to. However, it seems that even on an (cracked) server (i cant get gradlew runClient to accept a session ID), it always is null, which doesn't make sense.
  5. No, its not the only reason for this mod, its just a feature. Is there any way I can code it so that it works like this?
  6. Background: I am writing a mod for all things hypixel. When it come down to hypixel skyblock, it adds a large number of custom weapons and such. Anyways, the main question is: How do I write a client-sided mod that changes the texture of an item given its name?
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