I'm trying to modify the amount of damage blocked. For example, the vanilla shield currently blocks 100% of incoming damage, I would like to change that to 60%.
For my other custom shields I want to increase this numbers, which depends on the material the shield is made out of.
To do so, I require access to
1. LivingEntity.isDamageSourceBlocked(DamageSource p_184583_1_)
2. LivingEntity.blockUsingShield(LivingEntity p_190629_1_)
3. LivingEntity.hurtCurrentlyUsedShield(float p_184590_1_)
When I look at LivingEntity.isDamageSourceBlocked(DamageSource p_184583_1_) it is most definitely private.
The other two methods are indeed protected.
I am currently using Forge 36.2.6
Any way to accomplish this or should I just accept the vanilla shield functionality?