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  1. Could you post a screenshot of your .minecraft folder? Which version of Forge are you running? Are you running any other mods? Please post the new crash log if it has changed after deleting Sodium from the mods folder. The only other thing I can think of is an incompatible resourcepack, but I have never had it crash my game not sure if that is possible. I'll need more information to troubleshoot further.
  2. If I'm reading this correctly you are trying to run Sodium which is a fabric mod for 1.16.5 on Forge 1.19.2? You should remove any incompatible mods from your mods folder in .minecraft if you're switching versions.
  3. I am trying to add custom materials to be used as armor trim. In this case I am trying to apply a bronze armor trim to my custom sapphire boots from the bronze ingot. The model is working correctly (sapphire with bronze armor trim) but the item model appears as the amethyst armor trim. I believe this is due to the item_model_index defaulting to 1.0 instead of 1.1 which leads to this issue. Clearly I'm doing this wrong but I'm unsure of how to correctly load the item model for the custom armor trim materials. Item model: https://github.com/Leronus/mOres/blob/1.20.1/src/main/resources/assets/mores/models/item/sapphire_boots.json ModArmorTrimMaterials.java: https://github.com/Leronus/mOres/blob/1.20.1/src/main/java/mod/leronus/mores/item/custom/trims/ModArmorTrimMaterials.java
  4. I have managed to get the configuration file working using CommentedFileConfig but the order is completely random when generating a new config file everytime. How do I make sure the config file is in the order as defined in the Config.java class? Relevant file: https://github.com/Leronus/mOres/blob/1.19.2/src/main/java/mod/leronus/mores/config/Config.java
  5. Problem: The changed values in the 'mores.toml' configuration file for my mod aren't working ingame. Example: The default value for Copper Shield is 240 The value in 'mores.toml' was changed to 280 The value ingame is still 240 after restarting the game in IntelliJ IDEA. Repository: https://github.com/Leronus/mOres/tree/1.19.2 Relevant files: Main mod file - https://github.com/Leronus/mOres/blob/1.19.2/src/main/java/mod/leronus/mores/Mores.java Config files - https://github.com/Leronus/mOres/blob/1.19.2/src/main/java/mod/leronus/mores/config/Config.java https://github.com/Leronus/mOres/blob/1.19.2/src/main/java/mod/leronus/mores/config/MoresConfig.java https://github.com/Leronus/mOres/blob/1.19.2/src/main/java/mod/leronus/mores/config/ConfigHolder.java Request: Could somebody identify the problem for me, I would very much appreciate it! Thank you in advance. Kind regards, Leronus
  6. Did you solve this?
  7. It works in singleplayer yes, but not on a server. That's when they keep spawning over and over.
  8. Locally that seems to have fixed it, but on my modded server they are still spawning A LOT. GitRepo: https://github.com/Leronus/mOres Img: https://imgshare.io/image/2021-10-17-110104.pgUz1y
  9. My bad sorry. I solved it by using the accesstransformers for PlayerEntity as well. Thanks though!
  10. I'm trying to modify the amount of damage blocked. For example, the vanilla shield currently blocks 100% of incoming damage, I would like to change that to 60%. For my other custom shields I want to increase this numbers, which depends on the material the shield is made out of. To do so, I require access to 1. LivingEntity.isDamageSourceBlocked(DamageSource p_184583_1_) 2. LivingEntity.blockUsingShield(LivingEntity p_190629_1_) 3. LivingEntity.hurtCurrentlyUsedShield(float p_184590_1_) When I look at LivingEntity.isDamageSourceBlocked(DamageSource p_184583_1_) it is most definitely private. The other two methods are indeed protected. I am currently using Forge 36.2.6 Any way to accomplish this or should I just accept the vanilla shield functionality?
  11. I forgot to add the shield to my ShieldTileEntityRenderer. I knew it was something obvious. You may consider my problem solved and this thread closed.
  12. public net.minecraft.entity.LivingEntity func_184583_d(Lnet/minecraft/util/DamageSource;)Z # isDamageSourceBlocked public net.minecraft.entity.LivingEntity func_184590_k(F)V # hurtCurrentlyUsedShield public net.minecraft.entity.LivingEntity func_190629_c(Lnet/minecraft/entity/LivingEntity;)V # blockUsingShield I'm trying to use these methods in LivingEntity.java, but I'm getting the following error: "attempting to assign weaker access privileges; was public" I would like to use these methods in my Hooks.java class (location: /src/main/java/mod/mores/util/Hooks.java), so that I can change how much incoming damage my custom shields can block. My question is, why am I getting this error? And also, what would be the correct way of achieving what I want? GitRepository: https://github.com/Leronus/mOres
  13. I think I'm not setting the textures correctly in the model json files, but if that's the case then copper shield shouldn't be working either because the contents are the exact same as the other shields. I am beyond confused.
  14. I couldn't find any, the textures are in the correct location with the correct names
  15. Only my copper shield model loads in properly, the other shield models all look like the vanilla one. Not sure how this is happening? GitRepo: https://github.com/Leronus/mOres
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