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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. What version of Forge do you have? Also, where did you get the mods from?
  2. It's a bit strange to make a post saying that you will soon make a post with the crash log included.
  3. Are you looking for a mod that has an auto-smelting feature or are you trying to make an auto-smelting feature? If it's the former, lots of mods have auto-smelting features: Tinkers' Construct, Cyclic, and plenty of other mods. If it's the latter however, I can't help you.
  4. I'm trying to host a 1.12.2 server for me and my friend to play on, but I keep encountering this same error. Whenever I input my ip (not my public ip, my actual ip) into the server.properties file, it ALWAYS gives me the "Failed to bind to port" error no matter what port I've used (I've tried 3 times with 3 different ports), but whenever I leave the field blank, the server runs just fine, but only I can join (I can only use my public ip to join, hence why no one else can join. I am port forwarding correctly, and I've even tried to use a vpn to try a different ip, I don't know what else to do, and I'm getting really frustrated, any help is greatly appreciated.
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