I'm reposting this because for some reason a moderator closed it for supporting piracy, even though it has nothing to do with that.
Me and all my friends own the game legitimately, and I am just asking how I would go about making a mod that allows a certain offline-mode name to enter the server, as a troll.
If I wanted to support piracy the server would be online-mode false. But I don't that's not what I want.
BY "premium" I mean legitimately bought game, and by cracked, i mean using an offline mode account.
Once again, me and all the people playing on this server have legitimate minecraft accounts.
Hello guys,
I am making a small troll mod for 1.16.4 to troll my friends with.
We play a modpack of around 15 mods, and there is no server software at the moment for 1.16.4 which supports both spigot and forge.
So, I am going to write a small mod instead of a plugin (which I have more experience doing).
I was wondering which event decides whether or not to kick the player that is joining when they have a cracked account.
The server is premium, and I want to login with a cracked account in order to troll them. The problem is, I'm not sure which event decides if the player is cracked.
Does anyone know an event for this, or a possible workaround?
Thank you in advance.