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Shynee's Achievements

Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. Amazing! As I said, I am very new to this so if I wanted to give them a book, what would the command be to do that? Thanks for all the help!
  2. Thanks! How do I actually give the player the item though?
  3. Hi! I am very, very new to Java coding and Minecraft Plugins and I want to know how to give a player an item when they join the world. For instance,when you join the server you will get a rule book with link to our website (I have the book sorted out, I just need to be able to run the /give command). Once again I am very new so please explain in the simplest terms and maybe even try to supply as much code as possible. Thanks!
  4. Hi! I am super new to coding and modding and I was wondering how to make a clickable link like they have on Hypixel. For instance, you get a book when you spawn in and inside that book is a button that has some text on it that when clicked activates the /give command. Is this possible on forge? Once again I am super new to this so try to explain the simplest terms and maybe just give me the code. Thanks!
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