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  1. I tried playing with a friend today on our server but it's crashing. I do not know why and need some help. The server worked fine the other day, we played on the 24th last time. Pastebin link to the log P.S Yes I have tried deleting the config folder
  2. From the looks of it LoomContainer still doesn't call onCraftMatrixChanged... What am i missing seriously?
  3. Something like this? @Override public void onCraftMatrixChanged(IInventory inventoryIn) { ItemStack itemStack = base.getStack(); ItemStack itemStack1 = addition.getStack(); ItemStack itemStack2 = result.getStack(); if (itemStack2.isEmpty() && itemStack.isEmpty() || itemStack1.isEmpty()) { this.result.putStack(ItemStack.EMPTY); } super.onCraftMatrixChanged(inventoryIn); updateOutput(); }
  4. because everytime i try to find a reference it never finds me one... Do I need to call it from the tile entity # insertItem?
  5. No but i meant it never gets called manually in vanilla either. I presume i need to call it whenever i place an item inside?
  6. As far as i can see the onMatrixChange never gets called manually? How should I go about implementing this?
  7. I knew it. But isnt that called whenever something in the container is placed?
  8. here: https://github.com/vassdeniss/makoru-1-16-4-source Dont mind the clutter of unorganization ill get to that soon
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