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  1. Hi all, First of all I know the topic doesn't sound like it is related to modding but hear me out. I plan on making a mod so I set up the workspace like one does. After I had the workspace set up I had no idea were to go from there so I made another post here looking for decent tutorials. It was then I realized if I needed further help it would be easier if my code was easily accessible. So I started to look into uploading the project to GitHub. I did this using Eclipse's git integration which worked well enough. however upon importing the git version into the workspace I immediately noticed a problem Eclipse's gradle task menu would not show the gradle tasks for the project. I then went and branched off a different mod to import into my workspace to see if it worked. it did not show the gradle either however, it didn't have the recourses either. Any way the point of my tangent there was to ask is there a way to get eclipse to recognize gradle tasks that originate from a project in a git repository using eclipses inbuilt git and gradle integration. For instance say i put a clean unmodifed forge mdk project into a GitHub repository how do i get eclipse to use the associated forge exclusive gradle tasks when the project is imported to the workspace?
  2. Hi everyone, over the past year I have been taking an course in java. Now that the course is pretty much over I would like to make a mod. I have done the initial workspace setup. However I have no idea were to go from there. My goal is to create a mod that enhances vanilla gameplay by adding some simple quality of life items. I have been unable to find any good up to date tutorials to help me. I am more of a visual learner and therefore learn better by videos and the like. I'm looking for either A: a link to an up to date 1.16.5 tutorial or B: an open source mod with nicely organized code with comments that i can look at.
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