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Tree Puncher

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  1. the same problem,have you solved yet?
  2. What is the problem when run ?
  3. unknown I learned how to make a custom dimension from Cy4's tutorial: here is my DimensionInit.java: package com.joy187.re8joymod.common.init; import com.joy187.re8joymod.Utils; import net.minecraft.util.RegistryKey; import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation; import net.minecraft.util.registry.Registry; import net.minecraft.world.World; public class DimensionInit { public static final RegistryKey<World> RE8_DIMENSTON_WORLD = RegistryKey.create(Registry.DIMENSION_REGISTRY, new ResourceLocation(Utils.MOD_ID,"re8_dimension")); } here is my dimension file: re8_dimension.json: { "type": "re8joymod:re8_dimension", "generator": { "type": "minecraft:noise", "seed": 0, "settings": { "name": "re8joymod:re8_dimension", "bedrock_roof_position": -10, "bedrock_floor_position": 0, "sea_level": 63, "min_surface_level": 0, "disable_mob_generation": false, "noise_caves_enabled": true, "noodle_caves_enabled": false, "aquifers_enabled": true, "deepslate_enabled": true, "ore_veins_enabled": false, "default_block": { "Name": "minecraft:stone" }, "default_fluid": { "Name": "minecraft:water", "Properties": { "level": "0" } }, "noise": { "min_y": 0, "height": 256, "density_factor": 1, "density_offset": -0.46875, "size_horizontal": 1, "size_vertical": 2, "simplex_surface_noise": true, "random_density_offset": true, "sampling": { "xz_scale": 1, "y_scale": 1, "xz_factor": 80, "y_factor": 160 }, "bottom_slide": { "target": -30, "size": 0, "offset": 0 }, "top_slide": { "target": -10, "size": 3, "offset": 0 } }, "structures": { "structures": {} } }, "biome_source": { "type": "minecraft:multi_noise", "seed": 0, "altitude_noise": { "firstOctave": -7, "amplitudes": [ 1, 1 ] }, "temperature_noise": { "firstOctave": -7, "amplitudes": [ 1, 1 ] }, "humidity_noise": { "firstOctave": -7, "amplitudes": [ 1, 1 ] }, "weirdness_noise": { "firstOctave": -7, "amplitudes": [ 1, 1 ] }, "biomes": [ { "biome": "re8joymod:re8_biome", "parameters": { "altitude": 0, "temperature": 0, "humidity": 0, "weirdness": 0, "offset": 0 } } ] } } } here is my dimension_type file: re8_dimension.json: { "name":"re8joymod:re8_dimension", "ultrawarm": false, "natural": true, "piglin_safe": false, "respawn_anchor_works": false, "bed_works": false, "has_raids": true, "has_skylight": true, "has_ceiling": false, "coordinate_scale": 1, "ambient_light": 0.3, "logical_height": 256, "infiniburn": "minecraft:infiniburn_overworld", "min_y": 0, "height": 256 }
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