[00:41:06] [main/FATAL] [ne.mi.fm.lo.mo.ModInfo/]: Invalid modId found in file C:\Users\Owner\Downloads\mmc-stable-win32\MultiMC\instances\1.17.12\.minecraft\mods\com.netherairtune.endcity-1.0-1.17.jar - com.netherairtune.endcity does not match the standard: ^[a-z][a-z0-9_-]{1,63}$
I open up my world, play for it for sometime but after about an est. 1000 blocks traveled, I get frequent lag spikes. At first I thought it was just the chunk I was in. But after moving far away, it still happened. I was getting less than 5 fps and I had frequent "not responding". While Minecraft never crashed, the game was basically unplayable. Can someone help me
I get this error every time I rejoin a world. I've included my modlist. I do not have any datapacks. I am able to create a world and play it, but as soon as I exit and rejoin, it errors.