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Posts posted by Swerewolf

  1. I'm using multiple layers in my item model files to save the effort of making an individual texture for every combination of band and gemstone for ring items as needed. Each model has a band layer–– copper, iron, gold, netherite, etc.–– and a gemstone–– amethyst, diamond, emerald, quartz, etc.. It seems that when the item is enchanted the "glimmer" texture of the enchantment is applied with each layer and causes the model to become oversaturated and ugly, pictured below, even with just 2 layers. Is there a simple way to fix this with code or am I just better off making each individual texture?


    (1 layer, 2 layers, 3 layers, 4 layers)

  2. Are you trying to execute the gradle tasks through the Terminal? You would first need to install gradle by following the install instructions on Gradle.org. Then, navigate to your project folder and run your desired gradle tasks.

    My-Mac:~ user$ cd /Users/user/Documents/eclipse-workspace/forge-1
    My-Mac:forge-1 user$ ./gradlew
    My-Mac:forge-1 user$ ./gradlew build
    My-Mac:forge-1 user$ ./gradlew runClient

    It shouldn't be necessary to do this though as all the gradle tasks can be executed through Eclipse (I would recommend you stick with this since it seems you are a beginner). If you have properly imported your project folder as a Gradle Project, all gradle tasks are available in the "Gradle Tasks" tab in your workspace. Use these for when the Getting Started documentation tells you to run those tasks.



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