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Everything posted by theOriginalByte

  1. Ahh.. thank you guys so much! This has been driving me crazy for the past few weeks.
  2. This is the error log I get when I run an intercept of the chat: https://gist.github.com/Cyb3rWarri0r8/d0aafe3648ee42e0e5898a186b9f2828 This is what the handler currently looks like: http://take.ms/ys1Gd
  3. Latest work is here: https://github.com/KaminoCoding/FriendNamer/blob/72631a6f3d82a43495ee10a01d76627914192008/src/main/java/io/cyb3rwarri0r8/friendnamer/client/NamesEventHandler.java
  4. Still need help with this if any one knows what to do.
  5. textures for liquids in 1.7.10 are the easy ones to do. Just get the vanilla one and re-color it ot the way you want. Include an mcmeta with the same name as your fluids and your good to go. If you want to update to 1.8.x that is a whole other story and quite honestly I find them to be a b**** to try and get working so good luck with those.
  6. Updated Repo. I have the chat hook working but when I try to use regular expressions to look for usernames in the message text I get errors that say it can't find the text. I've tried this in regexr.com and it works fine. Do you know what is wrong? http://regexr.com/3die6 https://github.com/KaminoCoding/FriendNamer/tree/feature/ingameNameChange
  7. Oh yeah.. those i've been using because I started with a template for my other universal mod. As for the loggedInEvent.. yeah i'm going to remove that. It's just there... yes it was logging that it changed but when I'd try putting in chat messages it wouldn't change that part. At one time I thought it was but maybe I was dreaming... That makes sense though. I will have to use the chat listeners then.
  8. Updated the repo: https://github.com/KaminoCoding/FriendNamer/tree/feature/ingameNameChange
  9. 1. idk... just idk.. old tuts 2. player#refreshDisplayName is being called.. thats why I added the check for null passed parentscreens to prevent crashing 3. Yes, it logs that it changed the username yet nothing happens 4. Fixed 5. Fixed I was just playing with different things to the playerloggedinevent isn't being used but thanx Hopefully this info helps. Here is the log:
  10. 1. idk... just idk.. old tuts 2. player#refreshDisplayName is being called.. thats why I added the check for null passed parentscreens to prevent crashing 3. Yes, it logs that it changed the username yet nothing happens 4. Fixed 5. Fixed I was just playing with different things to the playerloggedinevent isn't being used but thanx Hopefully this info helps. Here is the log:
  11. I tried that but everytime I test it doesn't do anything. Here is my code: https://github.com/KaminoCoding/FriendNamer/tree/feature/ingameNameChange Am I doing something wrong with it?
  12. I tried that but everytime I test it doesn't do anything. Here is my code: https://github.com/KaminoCoding/FriendNamer/tree/feature/ingameNameChange Am I doing something wrong with it?
  13. This is probably a bit odd of me to ask, but how would I change the display name of a player after the login to single player has completed? I try posting the NameFormat event to the EVENT_BUS but it always returns false. It doesn't post... Is there a proper way to do that? Any help is much appreciated because i've been researching and testing this for months.
  14. This is probably a bit odd of me to ask, but how would I change the display name of a player after the login to single player has completed? I try posting the NameFormat event to the EVENT_BUS but it always returns false. It doesn't post... Is there a proper way to do that? Any help is much appreciated because i've been researching and testing this for months.
  15. follow up to follow up.. I can't for the life of me get the name to change. What am I doing wrong? It will work when changing from the homescreen but the ingame change doesn't spark a change of the player's username. Is something missing that I need to fire? I'm seriously stumped as to what it could be. Code in question: https://github.com/KaminoCoding/FriendNamer/blob/feature/ingameNameChange/src/main/java/io/cyb3rwarri0r8/friendnamer/client/ConfigHandler.java https://github.com/KaminoCoding/FriendNamer/blob/feature/ingameNameChange/src/main/java/io/cyb3rwarri0r8/friendnamer/client/NamesEventHandler.java I've gone through and even directly fired the events and nothing happens. Here are the uncommitted changes:
  16. Follow up question... I want to post a nameformat event to forge, but every time I do it I get a nullLangPointerException back.. I know that means that i'm passing nothing as a parameter. This is the error i'm getting https://gist.github.com/Cyb3rWarri0r8/ea6d2cd20d378eb59795a03fcc9d930f Code: https://github.com/KaminoCoding/FriendNamer/blob/d6b5bfd163ececc259b753234df5048f12168df8/src/main/java/io/cyb3rwarri0r8/friendnamer/client/NamesEventHandler.java https://github.com/KaminoCoding/FriendNamer/blob/d6b5bfd163ececc259b753234df5048f12168df8/src/main/java/io/cyb3rwarri0r8/friendnamer/client/FriendNamerGuiConfig.java https://github.com/KaminoCoding/FriendNamer/blob/d6b5bfd163ececc259b753234df5048f12168df8/src/main/java/io/cyb3rwarri0r8/friendnamer/client/ConfigHandler.java
  17. Hey everyone! I'm doing some playing around with my mod and have the ingame gui set up. I want to detect when this closes so I can fire the NameFormat event again. So far I can't find anything related to a Gui close event. Am I not looking in the right spot or is this not a thing? github: https://github.com/KaminoCoding/FriendNamer/tree/feature/ingameNameChange
  18. my bad. here: https://gist.github.com/Cyb3rWarri0r8/0c5b319c72f67aa43cc17268813e3849
  19. oh woops.. wrote this falling asleep in bio class.. sorry The textures aren't showing up. Here it is on gist: https://gist.github.com/Cyb3rWarri0r8/83365fbd850e129bf4231123870f3b72 I think I see what your doing there with the fluids. I'll give it a try after I get back from work. Thanks
  20. So I know this is a probably really newb question but I can't seem to get the blockstates working right. I read through a few different tuts about them but am still lost as to what I'm doing wrong. Here is the blockstate that I have: I'm also having a problem rendering fluids. I can't find any blockstate files in Minecraft source so I'm assuming it's not needed, however I don't see any classes where the water and lava are explicitly declared in the source as well. Help with either of these is much appreciated as I've spent well over two months trying to figure it out. Thanks, cyb3r
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