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  1. Hello ! I just make a new world generator (WorldGeneratorSeaWeed) that extends WorldGenerator. It checks what there are above and below of my block, so it can be placed in sand or dirt (for example). Thank you all for helping me and I'm sorry if I've been a bit lazy .
  2. Hello! I know how to make ores in the world, but I don't want it. I just want to spawn my Seaweeds IN the water. And...What has to do the Nether with the underwater generation?
  3. Yes...I can see it, but I need it to spawn underwater, at the bottom of the ocean, like seaweeds. I think I have to decrease the Ycoord, isn't it? (But the ocean hasn't a regular bottom, so I'm trying to find out how.)
  4. Yes, I am a Java coder but not a veteran, so I can make many mistakes. It's okay, but as you can see, I'm relatively new and I need help to create new things. I learn when I write my code. Thank you for your help . Now I have this error. It occurs when I enter into a Ocean biome (Where I want to spawn the Seaweeds) Sorry if I misspelled something, my English isn't very good (currently )
  5. I'm sorry but, how can I use it? (I say it because it gives me these errors and I am confused) I'm getting these errors in the "60." line My code (If you want to see it): http://pastebin.com/QbquX9MU
  6. Hello! I want to create seaweeds for my mod, but I don't know how to make it generate underwater :'(. Could you help me, please? Than you! If you need some other information, please tell me
  7. Solved! I put this in the "quantityDropped" section on my custom crop block and now it works correctly:
  8. OMG! Your code is art for my eyes! I love the way you wrote it. It's basically wonderful . Could you please let me to use your organization method? It will improve and simplify my work! (I will give you the proper credits, of course
  9. Hello! Here is my main class: Main class: http://pastebin.com/gXAXyZn5 *If you know any way to optimize the code, tell me, I appreciate it . (Thank you) A question: I have reached the conclusion that the ID I put in the code are only "for guidance", so that those that really influence the game are those that are in the configuration file. Am I wrong? (Maybe I'm wrong)
  10. Hello ! It doesn't work: When I delete my config file, it regenerates with the same ID as before. Example: I write in my code the ID for an apple cake slice: "3000" (default) In the configuration file, it look like this: "31743" (WTF? ) When I delete the configuration file, it regenerates with the same ID. Is there any way to make it look like it is written in the code? Example: I write in my code the ID for an apple cake slice: "3000" (default) In the configuration file, it look like this: "3000" () (I'm new in create configuration files, so I can get confuse easily) Thank you! If I'm wrong, please explain to me what I'm doing wrong (please )
  11. Hello! I don't want to cause conflicts with other mods D: . Sincerely, I don't care the ID's of the blocks/items, I just want to see the same ID in the code and config file. For example, I don't want to see in my code "3050" and in the config file "31701". Thank you all for helping me . *I'm sorry if I didn't express myself very well*
  12. And...might cause conflicts with other mods. NO. This will cause the id shown in config to be the same as it is in game, which is also what forge shuffles the ids based on (i think...) , ergo no conflict if the other author has also taken this into account. I've tried with: applecakeslice = new ItemFood(applecakesliceID-256, 10, false).setUnlocalizedName("applecakeslice").setCreativeTab(this.foodplustab); but it doesn't work :C. The ID in the config file don't change.
  13. Thank you! ;D How can I de-increment them to make it readable in the config file? The ID's of my mod goes up to "3070" *Excuse me if I don't express properly, my English isn't very good (Im trying to become fluent)*
  14. Hello everyone! I have just created a configuration file for my mod, and I want to know why the (items) ID listed in this file are so strange. However, the blocks ID are well. I mean that these items ID are very high and don't match with the ID in the game. Have a look: Thank you
  15. Hello! I'm the creator of the "Food Plus" mod . Recently, I made a "Worktop" (it is a new crafting table), so NEI don't recognise its recipes. I'd like to create a NEI plugin, but I don't know how to make it . I hope you can help me. I think that this plugin is an important part of the mod because it has too many recipes. Thank you ! *Sorry if I misspelled something* Link to my mod: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1745463-152forge-food-plus-mod-more-food-than-you-can-imagine-v19-upd-26052013/ Thank you (again )
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