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Everything posted by smokyb00

  1. Sorry should have stated this from before, using 1.12.2 - going to be doing this on the latest version but just modifying an old mod of mine to understand this before upgrading my mod completely
  2. Yeah sorry that's what I meant by detecting the Edit GUI sign, doing an if instanceof statement. I don't understand how the text would be set though, would I just replicate a Keyboard judging by the GuiEditSign class? I know with a tile sign, you have signText or something along those lines, but I guess with the GUI, it's a bit different?
  3. Woops, thanks! Can detect the Edit Sign GUI fine, I guess to store this in a variable, I'd do something like this? GuiEditSign sign = (GuiEditSign) openGuiEvent.getGui();
  4. Ah cool, sounds like it would work. Apologies for the follow-up question, but how would one detect the sign editing GUI popping up? I know there's currentScreen but not sure if that's applicable in this case, just skimming through some examples online of that usage
  5. Yeah I understand that. Disregarding editing the sign, since I'd have to do stuff on the server side, could I instead just create a sign and assign text to it? I'm basically trying to have sign templates. At this point, I'd want it to work in the sense a player has a sign in their hand, if they place the sign, it'll automatically set the text that way. Would this work since it's creating and not editing?
  6. Huh I see, so would it be best to create the sign myself then with text preset?
  7. Hi there! I'm currently working on a mod and am having a bit of trouble with something. I'm adding the ability for signs to be edited just by right clicking (in the future I'll be using a specific item with right click to edit, but this doesn't matter). I've got the function to open the GUI sign editor and I can edit the sign fine in singleplayer. The problem is, on my multiplayer server, when I right click and edit the sign, the sign goes back to its original value. Is there a way to fix this? Would I have to have a mod on the server to handle this or is there a way to just take care of this only on the client. I've looked around all over the place, but can't seem to find anything about this Appreciate some guidance, cheers
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