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Tree Puncher

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  1. I still get: "Exception message: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.web3j.protocol.Web3jService" Even after adding "implementation group: 'org.web3j', name: 'core', version: '5.0.0'" to my build.gradle. I don't have a Maven pom.xml to add the dependency to.
  2. I have started a fresh 1.18.2 project. Is there any way to do it with a local jar file? I don't have a maven dependency.
  3. Crash Log: build.gradle : my class that references the "class not found" :
  4. I have three questions concerning ILootCondition! The forge docs state that... // // Additional conditions can be checked, though as much as possible should be parameterized via JSON data. // It is better to write a new ILootCondition implementation than to do things here. // Can ILootCondition be used instead of JSON data? Secondly, how does one even implement and register a ILootCondition? This was the only reference I could find in the docs. Third, can ILootCondition or LootItemConditionalFunction be used to override the enchantment "fortune" drop rates?
  5. Is there anyway to use ILootCondition? The docs reference it, but don't have anything on it. Could I use ILootCondition instead of a lootmodifier json?
  6. Can I use the Global Loot Modifier to modify the logic of the vanilla fortune enchantment? If fortune uses a loot table to calculate drops can I just override it?
  7. Hello all, I have create an enchantment and have registered it. It is a copy of lootBonusEnchantment(fortune) from vanilla. However it does not seem to have fortune logic applied to it. How would I add this logic to it? My plan is to override the vanilla fortune enchantment to change the logic(server side) only, that way vanilla users can connect and play on my forge server with different fortune drop rates. Thanks
  8. I can detect when a slot is changed to air(item is removed), I don’t know how to remove the item from player cursor before they place it. Is there a solution to this? If I wanted to go down the custom GUI route, how would I do so? What classes do I need to make a custom GUI?
  9. Hello all, I currently I looking to make something like this in forge. https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/guishop.2451/ However, I am unsure how to listen for click events(if that is even possible). Is there a way to prevent items from being removed from container and perform action on click? Currently I am using ContainerListener to listen to slotChanged. This is okay but still allows player to remove items. Is there anyway I can stop this and use less logic by listening for some slot clicked event? -Thanks
  10. Hello, I do not have a crash report or anything technical for this. However, I can provide video if needed. Currently if I run a forge server with with a server side only mod, vanilla clients will not hear the proper sound. For example mobs walking sound like buttons and pressure plates being pressed. My mod does not modify sounds in any way. As a test I decided to run a forge client without my mod installed. With the forge client the sounds are correct. I then repeated this process with a forge client with my mod installed. I continued to get the correct sound, so I narrowed it down to most probably being a mapping bug in forge itself as only vanilla clients have this problem. I assume the client is just misinterpreting the sounds sent over by the server.
  11. I don't understand where or how to create/find the MenuConstructor. Sorry, I am just not understanding, how to transform the player's enderchestinventory into a menu constructor.
  12. How do I get a menu provider for a player's inventory and enderchest? I believe the function to call to do this is player.openMenu(). I just don't know how to get or create a menu provider. The purpose of this is to add commands /enderchest and /invsee !
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