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  1. Oh, I did not know that! Exactly it worked! Thanks again!!! My code is like this: private void addOneEntity() { Chicken chicken = new Chicken(EntityType.CHICKEN, this.level); chicken.moveTo(x, y, z, yRot, xRot); this.level.addFreshEntity(chicken); }
  2. Ohhhh! It worked!!! Thank you very much!!! My code is like this: private void addOneEntity() { CompoundTag compoundtag = new CompoundTag(); compoundtag.putString("id", "minecraft:chicken"); Entity entity = EntityType.loadEntityRecursive(compoundtag, this.level, (e) -> { e.moveTo(x, y, z, yRot, xRot); return e; }); this.level.addFreshEntity(entity); } This function is in my own entity class (extends Mod).
  3. Hello. I want to summon an entity by code, so I saw vanilla’s SummonCommand#spawnEntity and the main flow is here : { Entity entity = EntityType.loadEntityRecursive(compoundtag, serverlevel, (e) -> { e.moveTo(x, y, z, yRot, xRot); return e; }); ((Mob)entity).finalizeSpawn(commandSourceStack.getLevel(), commandSourceStack.getLevel().getCurrentDifficultyAt(entity.blockPosition()), MobSpawnType.COMMAND, (SpawnGroupData)null, (CompoundTag)null); } I guess I need compoundtag and ServerLevel object(=commandSourceStack.getLevel()). CompoundTag compoundtag = new CompoundTag(); compoundtag.putString("id", "minecraft:chicken”); // right? ServerLevel serverlevel … ??? How can I get them? Or is there another way? Thanks in advance.
  4. Thank you for your reply! At first, the property changed only in server side, so I used SynchedEntityData, then it worked!!
  5. Thanks to this forum, I succeeded to summon my own entity. Now I want to control it by command, but can not access to it. MyEntity.java has a property, ‘isFlying’ like this: public class MyEntity extends Animal { public boolean isFlying = false; … } And I want to change the flag by command like these, of course failed (showed no error message): data merge entity @e[type=mymod:myentity, limit=1, name="myentity"] {isFlying: 1b} data merge entity @e[type=mymod:myentity, limit=1, name="myentity"] {Attributes: [{Name:"generic.isFlying", Base:1b}]} Any good way to change the flag of the entity object? Thanks in advance.
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