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  1. Still no ideas?
  2. use ClientRegistry.registerKeyBinding and InputEvent.KeyInputEvent
  3. I am not sure I understand.
  4. Are you sure? Try scaling it more (e.g 5 times). Also, scale the coordinates as well, so it does not translate.
  5. try learning how these work. I recommend learnopengl.com. Stop at the advanced section, you probably won't need it. A little basic math might also help (see matrices).
  6. you pretty much destroyed the matrix stack by scaling there. do a matrixStack.pushPose() then scale and draw, then popPose(). Additionally, you might want to translate it after scaling. You might need to offset the text based on the way scaling works.
  7. the scaling should work. Could you show the previous scaling code?
  8. Could you explain the issue better? We are not going to understand anything if you only tell us that you followed a tutorial but something's not working.
  9. You want a tile entity. You cannot have rotating block collisions for it, though.
  10. I want to render chunks/blocks (in the future, entities and such) to another framebuffer, to add some more advanced effects to them by using my own shaders for rendering. I will be using the RenderLevelLastEvent. I find the vanilla code difficult to follow, even after hours of reading. I only need to extract the rendering code for chunks, and the matrix required to project it properly in my shader, and maybe the textures. It would take me a long time to get it to work. Does anyone know how to do this? I am using 1.18
  11. I want to make my transfer nodes be able to occupy the same block volume, just like extra utilities 2 did in 1.12. The nodes also use tile entities to search and register themselves into the pipe network, and to store data and animate. I am using 1.18.
  12. the logic I am referring to gets the Directions where other pipes that can be connected are. To set the right values in the block state, I would have to move that logic out of the tile entity so i can use it from the block. Preferably, I should move it to the block class. Is that correct?
  13. I.e i have to move that logic out of the tile entity because the tile entity has not been placed yet when getStateForPlacement is being called.
  14. That sucks. I have some logic on the tile entity that will be used to get those values. Do I really have to move that logic out of the tile entity? I assume the tile entity is placed after that method.
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