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Posts posted by Chimaine

  1. And no, I use two different packet channels, one for Server and one for Client Side. That's fine, too.

    Maybe I'm missunderstanding something, but you say that you send packets over different channels? I'm kinda wondering why you would do that. Why don't you use the same channel for both client and server? Seperating channels would only makes sense when you have to handle submodules, but not to seperate client and server.

  2. I finally found it!


    Yes im sure, im the one who wrote both these new gui events and the event system. Feel free to trace the code yourself.

    I know that you wrote it :) And I'm gratefull for it. I was just wondering if you had it tested properly.


    I found out that unregistering in general does not work. I did some tracing like you suggested and found that in ListenerList, line 208, the method

    public void unregister(IEventListener listener)
        for(ArrayList<IEventListener> list : priorities)

    is missing a

    rebuild = true

    so the event listeners are removed, but the cache is never rebuild!


    It should be

    public void unregister(IEventListener listener)
        for(ArrayList<IEventListener> list : priorities)
            if (list.remove(listener))
            	rebuild = true;


    I would make a pull request on GitHub, but I dont have an account, sorry :)


    //edit: Nevermind, I created a pull request: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/pull/543

  3. The overlay events work exactly the same as any other event. As lon

    g as you unregister the same instance that you registered itll work.

    Are you absolutely sure?

    I even tested if the references I pass to register and unregister are the same.

    I tried several places and constructs to where and how I register and unregister...


    I'm an experienced Java developer, but I can't get this to work. I feel really stupid right now...

  4. Use an instance, For example I use

    public final class BuildController{
    private BuildController(){instance = this;}
    private static BuildController instance;
    public static void bind(){
    	if(instance == null)
    		MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.register(instance = new BuildController());
    public static void unbind(){
    	if(instance != null){
    		instance = null;

    and it cleanly registered and unregistered the listeners in the class-

    Tried that. Did not work.

    And to be honest I dont know why this should work, since you pass the same references to register and unregister as in my example.


    Could you post a working example?

  5. Use an instance, For example I use

    public final class BuildController{
    private BuildController(){instance = this;}
    private static BuildController instance;
    public static void bind(){
    	if(instance == null)
    		MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.register(instance = new BuildController());
    public static void unbind(){
    	if(instance != null){
    		instance = null;

    and it cleanly registered and unregistered the listeners in the class-

    Tried that. Did not work.

    And to be honest I dont know why this should work, since you pass the same references to register and unregister as in my example.


    Could you post a working example?

  6. Hello all.


    I already asked this on the irc channel, but we couldn't find a solution.


    I am using the new RenderGameOverlayEvent to render behind or hide the GuiIngame hotbar.

    When my gui is created, I'm registering it for the event at the forge event bus.

    When my gui closes, I'm unregistering it from the event bus, but the event handler still gets called.


    I could use some kind of visibility check, and while this solves the problem at hand, it creates some kind of memory leak, as the reference to the instance still gets held by the event bus.


    Heavily cut of pastebin: http://pastebin.com/v3wwGqcu


    Btw, I'm loving the new events! Last week I thought "damn, if only i could render behind the hotbar!" and today I saw that commit.


    While I was at it, I also found a spelling error in the ListenerList class, line 100, unregiterAll -> unregisterAll :)

  7. Hello all.


    I already asked this on the irc channel, but we couldn't find a solution.


    I am using the new RenderGameOverlayEvent to render behind or hide the GuiIngame hotbar.

    When my gui is created, I'm registering it for the event at the forge event bus.

    When my gui closes, I'm unregistering it from the event bus, but the event handler still gets called.


    I could use some kind of visibility check, and while this solves the problem at hand, it creates some kind of memory leak, as the reference to the instance still gets held by the event bus.


    Heavily cut of pastebin: http://pastebin.com/v3wwGqcu


    Btw, I'm loving the new events! Last week I thought "damn, if only i could render behind the hotbar!" and today I saw that commit.


    While I was at it, I also found a spelling error in the ListenerList class, line 100, unregiterAll -> unregisterAll :)

  8. Hello everyone.


    I may be missing something here, but I cant find a way to get notified on the client side if it disconnects from a server world. I would expect a WorldEvent.Unload with the WorldClient, just like a client generates WorldEvent.Load events.


    Is there some other way? If not, take this as an feature request for a future build :)

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