just glancing at your base class file, where is pocket sundial? on another note, the model renderer is crashing it. knock out the method starting on line 20
recode textures for 1.5.2, blocks should be loaded in preinit/init, setup your config correctly, you don't need harvest level, client and common proxies really aren't needed; btw the block doesn't need hardness, resistance, or step sound by default. read the tnt code for the block "damaging block".
hard code a default id into your mod then make the config read the hard code.
unless someone has changed their ids that might fix your error. it all depends on the root of your issue that is not evident on the crash log.
On another note, error appears to be a packet handling issue, which is strange because you have a packet handler....but its strange cuz i can't find a regular block id for what is in your creative tab....